High hopes

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I look at my watch and it half past eight.

Perfect timing.

I walk into the building I will be working in for the coming years.

I hope.

Greeting the security with a nod I walking through the automatic doors, this place never seem to stop amazing with most of the walls being glass and painted fully white with gold designs looking like roots growing on the walls.

I look at the secretary's table and see that it empty.


Shrugging my shoulders I walk to the elevator with my shoes only being the sound.

Shifting the box on my hands,I planned my time well today so I can have time to go and buy new stationary and not the old things I had for my other work place. I press the lift and wait for the lift to come down.

"Hi you must be new here?" Says a voice behind me. Turn and look up and see a girl with red hair and green eyes.

"Oh hi, yes I am new here." I say with a calculated smile.

With her confidence, the way she is standing speaks volumes and after meeting so many people and most of them being in love with Mr Rude I don't think I can trust that anyone want to be my 'friend'.

"My name is Hazel and you are Selena?" My eyebrow rises.

"Yah...how did you know that?" I ask

"Oh everyone is talking about Lucius's secretary."

So that's his name....nice

"O-" the lift dings announcing it arrival braking my words. Hazel walks in first and as I am about to enter I notice that if I go inside my box won't be able to fit because of the three delivery guys and their trolley.

Wat happened to less people?

Hazel realises what happened and moves back pushing a guy and glares at her but she does not even notice and motions for me to get in.

"It ok I will wait for the next round."

"Are you sure?" Hazel asks looking worried.

"Yah I am sure." And the doors closes. I let out a sign and shift my box again.

As the lift doors open I see the makeup witch first.

Great what a way to start my day.

"You are not supposed to be here." She states as I walk pass her.

"I never ask you." Snap at her.

"Never said you did." She says with a wicked smile on her face looking down while doing her nails.

Bad move.


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