~Chapter 2~

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Spark couldn't sleep that night. He still couldn't get this feeling he had by watching Ash battled in the Kalos League. 

Spark still remembered what Brandon had said to him after he watched the battle replay . "Don't you see it? Your Pichu rides exactly like Ash's Pikachu. 

You could be Ash's son! " 

Spark thought in his mind, "Could it really be true? Is Ash really my father? " 

As he walks out of the bedroom, he knew immediately that his own mother would absolutely be furious of him of not telling her that he decided to go on a journey in search of his father. 

"Oh, crap. Mom's literally going to kill me ." He mumbles , as he knew that he has to telephone her as soon as he can. 

He notices the video phone near the kitchen as he sat down as Pichu looks at his trainer with a curious tone. "Pichu?" 

"Sorry , buddy. It's just I'm way more nervous than I thought it would be. I mean , I'm grateful that Brandon lets us stay with his dad and all, but I'm way nervous about Mom's wrath. " 

He suddenly felt something, like someone watching him. His z- marks on his cheek glows in bright blue as an lighting came out of his hand! 

Due to the power, he immediately collapse to the floor. 

"Hey, kid. Wake up." Someone said, as Spark woken up to see he wasn't in Brandon's house anymore, but inside of a castle. 

"Oh, good. I was nervous that you wouldn't wake up. You should been more valiant with your Audrain powers." 

He turns to see a man with a blue hat and with a Lucario. 

"Um, I'm sorry, but who are you exactly, and where's Pichu?" Spark asks, suddenly worried about his partner. 

"Your Pichu is fine. He's just resting." Lucario reassures him, "As for your Audrain powers, it seems to be stable for now at least." 

"My Audrain powers?"   

"Audrain powers specializes a bond between a special trainer and it's Pokémon . It is quite similar to the Bond Phenomenon so to speak. 

It only be activated if someone is closer to you, with the same abilities . There is a Prophecy foretold that a trainer would be consumed by it, but another would save all humanity from evil within the heart." The man explains. 

"So, the lighting bolt was my doing? I made that with my Aura?" Spark said, amazed of his newfound ability.

"Yes, but you weren't aware of it's power when you activated it by mistake. I'm partly responsible for that. Sorry." 

"No, it's cool! You don't have to apologize . I'm Spark." Spark said, reassuring him. 

"My name is Sir Arron, and this is my partner , Lucario." Sir Arron replied, "Welcome to the Cameran Palace. It's our home, and very sacred place . " 

"The Cameran Palace. Sir Arron, I don't understand. Why you bring me here?" Spark asks him with a curious confusion. 

"It's because your Aura is similar to mine, Spark. We're more alike than you think. In mere truth, I'm actually related to you. 

I'm your cousin, Spark. My name is Arron Ketchum." He revealed. 

Spark's eyes spark with pure excitement. "So, Ash is really my own father?" 

Lucario chuckles at Spark. "Yes, he is. I'm totally surprise you haven't known that. I personally knew him. " 

"Really? What was he like? " The young brown raven hair exclaimed with excitement. 

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