~Chapter 17~

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~With Brandon and Molly~

Molly and Brandon tries to keep things at bay, as both trainers walked up to each other's backs as Molly said, "Geez, these guys never seem to give up , don't they?" 

Brandon chuckles, "It could've been worse, Molly. I mean, this is Team Rocket we're dealing with here. Of course that they wouldn't care of their opponents neither it is Pokémon or Pokémon Trainers. " 

The Gym Leader sighs , as they were totally surrounded by the grunts of Team Rocket, unsure of how to get out of the situation until a voice said, "Glaceon, use Blizzard! " "Gardevoir, use Icy Wind!" 

Both of the Trainers were stunned as they see two siblings, both brother and sister looked very determined as the boy said, "Boy, it seems like you two needed our assistance, don't you think, sis?" 

"Yeah, it seems feels like this brings me back memories of thawing Team Rocket's evil plans." 

Brandon asks, "Just who are you guys?" 

"Oh, us? We're old friends of Ash's. Geez, I can't believe that this is what Ash gotten himself into these past ten years. " The girl said. 

"I'll go see I can locate him with Gardevoir. You stay and help them with dealing with Team Rocket." The boy insisted, as his sister nods as he turns to his faithful Pokémon partner. 

"So, you're friends of the Pokémon Master? Woah, that is so unexpected! Thanks for the help, I'm Molly, the Gym Leader of Greenfield City. " 

"I'm Brandon. It's a pleasure to meet you. I just hope that Spark will be all right ." Brandon said in a worried expression. 

"You're kidding me, right? Spark is Ash's son for crying out loud. He's going to be fine, he has Pichu and Charizard with him. " Molly points out which the girl said, totally stunned, "Wait, back up, Ash has a SON?!?"

~With the Ketchum Family~ 

Giovanni seems to be pleased of seeing the family being conflicted of the confrontation. Either of them moved for an instant, as if the moment is crucial for the future unfolds. 

Ash seems to be irate as Spark touches his father's shoulder as he shook his head, as the boy walks up towards the madman himself. 

He took a deep breath before he could speak, knowing he has a lot to say to the leader of Team Rocket. 

He finally said, "You really have some nerve, Giovanni. Attacking on us , just naïve of you. I have to admit, your tactics never seems to amaze me. " 

"Hm, you seem to be more at ease, at this, considering of what happened back on our last encounter, boy." The leader said, seems to be unphase of his attitude . 

"Yeah, of course you would. You're the reason that I never had an bond with my own father. You were the reason of how my mother had pain in her ever since you kidnapped him for ten years of his life! 

You really didn't care about it, but it really affected on my life, Giovanni! Pichu , use Volt Tackle!" 

Pichu did as instructed as Giovanni smirks, "Persian, use Fury Swipe. " 

Both Pokémon attack at the same time , as an explosion came as Pichu was flying as Spark catches his partner in time, as Pichu lands on his arms. 

"Pichu, you ok?" Spark ask as he nods as Serena said, "It seems like Persian isn't going easy on us. Using one attack isn't enough to stop him though." 

"So, what we do, then, Mom, could use some advice here." Spark said to his mother as Braxien was worried as well. 

"Gardevoir, use Moonblast!" A voice commanded which Ash was stunned to see who it was. 

"An Gardevoir? Who's the Trainer?" Serena asks. Ash looks closer as the trainer came towards the family as he waves at him, "Hey, Ash! Long time no see! It's me, Max!" The trainer explains as Ash remembers his old traveling companion. 

"Max! W-What you doing here? " He stutters as Spark asks, "An friend of yours, Dad?" 

"Yeah, I have a lot of travelling companions on my Pokémon Journeys. " Ash rubs his head. 

"Well, to be frank, Jessie was the one who texted May and me. She said that Team Rocket is up to no good again, but we didn't know that it would involved with you out of all people. 

You're bound to trouble, haven't you, Ketchum?" Max said, as Ash blushes , rubbing his head in total embarrassment. 

"I hate to interrupt your little reunion , but this is a battle going on here!" Giovanni snaps as Ash rages at him as he uses his Audrain powers as Spark puts his hands to his forehead as it was really something that worries him the most. 

"What the heck?!? Was that Aura coming out of you, Ash? How-" Max said, stunned by his old friend's unique powers. 

"We'll explain later, Max. I'm just glad you're here to join in on the fight. I appreciate it. " Spark said, as he glares at Giovanni. 

As the Trainers bound together, Spark took the lead. 

He said, "This is the last straw, Giovanni. You will surrender to Officer Jenny, and um, about your little Project Chosen lab, I already had Aaron and Lucario destroyed it as we speak." 

"You little brat! " Giovanni said as he runs towards the teen , as Braxien came forward, protecting him , as suddenly, it began to glow!

"Braxien!" Serena said, totally surprise by it, as Spark said, realizing the blue light, "She's evolving into Delphox! " 

Delphox seems mad as she uses her Flamethrower to knock the Team Rocket leader away as far as possible. 

"Thanks, Delphox. Although, you shouldn't do that ." Spark said, using his Audrain powers. 

"I had to, you are my master's son. I am sworn to protect you. That's all it matters to me. " She said. 

Spark knew that the Ancient Prophecy that Lady Irene spoke of is coming true. The images flooded through his mind, all the experiences he had encountered was leading up to this moment. 

He finally realized what the Audrain Powers can do, but it's a risk . Pichu looks at his partner in a curious , yet serious tone, "You're going to do something insane, aren't you?" 

"You know me too well. Pichu, thank you." He said, as Pichu jumps out of his shoulder as he unleashes his Audrain Powers to make an emissive Lighting ball! 

"What the-" Ash said. 

Ash watches as Spark unleashes it as the attack was stop midway . 

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