~Chapter 21~

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~At the Cameran Palace~

Lady Ilene was stunned of the bearing news that Spark wanted to see Giovanni. 

"This is really weird. I can't believe that he would go through with this." Alain said, seem to be stunned when Brandon, Persia and Jessie told the group. 

"You tell me. I am really shocked about this. I am still upset that Giovanni did to Ash and his family. 

He took ten years , Ten Years of Ash's life and never been a real father to Spark. It's not fair!" Clement said, as he flexes his wrists , felt frustrated of not noticing it sooner for his best friends' lives. 

Arron said, "Clement, I know it must effect you a lot, but I know that this might be the closure that Spark needed." 

Persia seems to be distant from the group, as if she was scared of loosing her crush. Although ever she discovered his true identity , her desire to be near Spark grew. 

She took her backpack and ran as fast as possible to go tell Spark that she loved him. 

"I have to confess my feelings to him sooner or later. I can't just ... leave without telling him." She thought in her mind, as she continue running towards the Police Station where Spark was. 

~With Giovanni and Spark~

There was silence in the room, as neither Spark and Giovanni was glaring at one other , waiting for someone in the room to speak. 

Pichu seems to be worried about his trainer's actions as he muzzles his master's cheek, trying to calm the trainer down. 

The trainer took a deep breath , as he knew that he had something to get off his chest. 

"Giovanni, you really outdid yourself these past ten years. You literally took away the chance of the life I should've gotten. A loving family that supported me through my Journey to become a Pokémon Master, I was alone, distraught, wondering why I didn't have a father. 

Now I know the truth why. You took advantage of Ash Ketchum, the former Pokémon Master, who I didn't know that he was my father this whole time! " 

The Team Rocket leader seems to be grinning, "Oh, my. It seems that I really had hit a nerve on the son of Ash Ketchum." 

Spark was about to unleash his Aura on him, but he knew that it wasn't the reason why he wanted to meet him face to face. 

"There is a reason I wanted to meet with you. You have a choice to make. You accept death, or have a second chance to begin anew?"

"What you talking about?" Giovanni spat at the young teen. 

"You heard me. I have the Audrain Powers. It allows me to excess Judgement on the people who was evil in their hearts. Also, I happen to be close friends with Arceus, one of the Legendary Pokémon." 

Giovanni stands up in total shock of what he had said. "Wait, you're not actually saying that you met Arceus, the Pokémon that travels through time and space?!?"

Spark nods, confirming it, "Yeah, the one and only Arceus. He told me of the origin of my powers can actually do. 

So, let ask again. What would you choose, Giovanni? Death, or second chance? " 

"Let me think. It's a lot to process." Giovanni said. 

The trainer turned around, "You know what, despite of what you had done to my family, we never been one or act like one. 

In fact, I think I had gotten a sense of relief that had been lifted on me , I wanted to know about my father's disappearance for ten years. I also wanted to say something else. 

Thank you." 

Giovani's head raises up, of hearing those words. 

Spark left the former Team Rocket leader and when he closes the door behind him, he was stunned of seeing a passed out Persia!

"Oh, no. Persia!" He said, looking at the trainer.  

~With Jessie and Bonnie~

Jessie walked with Bonnie to meet Meowth and James who was released from investigation. 

Bonnie turns to her friend in a curious expression on her face, "Do you really want to meet up with them, despite of what they almost did to your family?"

"Bonnie, I have to tell them I'm a Ketchum, and they deserve to know that Spark and Ash are father and son after all this time. " Jessie said, as Bonnie sighs. 

"Geez, you really are Ash's cousin. You both really are stubborn, no matter wither we like it or not. " She said, as the trainer looks at her, "Is that really that bad?

Don't you recall that I literally almost spent the last ten years of chasing after Pikachu? Man, I really am a dork for that. Ash must've been pretty mad at me for that. " 

"It's not entirely your fault, you know. " Bonnie said, trying to reassure the trainer, waving her arms, "You and Ash didn't realize at the time that you're related. " 

Jessie smiles at her friend of trying to lighten up the mood, and cheering her up.  

When they arrived, Meowth and James looked at Jessie. 

"Hi, Jessie." James said. 

Jessie walked up to her old friends as she grabs both of them and slams them down to the ground, hard.

Bonnie step a back, as if this was something she was not involved of the reunion. 

"You both really are stupid! " Jessie said. 

Meowth rubs his head, "You don't have to hit us that hard. That hurts, besides, we can catch Pikachu now together-" 

"I don't care about capturing Pikachu anymore, besides, Ash and I are cousins after all! " 

James was in shock of that revelation. "Wait, what you just say?"

Jessie said, "I'm Ash's cousin. My real identity is Jessie Ketchum, I'm also related to Spark Ketchum, who is the young teenager of Ash and Serena." 

"Wait, Spark? That is the name of Ash and Serena's son? How is that possible?" Meowth said, as the cat Pokémon seems to be in total shock. 

Bonnie said, "It's the truth, Clement and I knew Spark for a long time now, and I still can't believe that Ash and Serena actually had a kid after all these years. But..." 

James was curious, "But what? Is something wrong?"  

"Giovanni took Ash away from our family, for ten years, being part of this experiment called "Project Chosen. " That is where he kept Ash all these years, and Spark didn't have a father until now." Jessie explained to them. 

"You mean that the Boss lied to us, about everything?" James asks. 

Jessie nods, "Sadly, yes. When Spark found his father, his personality had drastically changed and both of them had been forced to battle each other. " 

Meowth was outraged of the situation he had heard. "That is the most horrifying thing to do! I don't like it, now I feel bad ." 

"We should head to Cameran Palace, Ash, Serena and Spark should be back by now." Bonnie suggested. 

As they did, Serena and the gang looked worried. 

Jessie asks, "What's going on, guys? Did something happened?"

 "Jessie, something happened . It's Persia, she's in the hospital." Ash said. 

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