Chapter 20

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~At the Cameran Palace~

Persia was nervous about what Spark and his father talked about. She was pacing back and forth as Clement looks at her . 

"Persia, why you pacing? It's all right to be nervous." Clement reassures her but the young trainer looks at him with a amusing look. 

"Clement, you know Spark more than anyone. He's up to something, I can feel it." She said as Brandon seems unphase about it. 

"C'mon, Persia, what possibly he wouldn't do? He's the son of the famous Pokémon Master, Ash Ketchum! " 

Alain said, "Brandon, I totally agree with Persia on this one, I mean, look at happened . Spark didn't even know that Ash was his own father, remember?

Giovanni literally stole Ash's time as a father by using him as an evil experiment for ten years of his life! 

Imagine how painful it was for both for them." 

"Well, I hope so." Jessie said, worried about her cousin.

~Meanwhile, at the Pokémon Police HQ~

Ash, Serena , Bonnie and Spark was waiting for Officer Jenny to arrive. 

Pikachu seems unpleasant about what Spark was going to do. 

Bonnie looks at her friend in a concerned , yet worried expression on her face, "Spark , are you sure about this, seeing Giovanni?

I mean, he was the one who tore your family apart for so long. Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Ash touches his wife's hands, "I don't like this idea either, Son. Even though , the Ancient Power allows to pass Judgement, I am still uncertain about this." 

Spark knew that his parents wouldn't approve of his idea of seeing the man who took the life he should've gotten , a loving family, and having Ash by his side , through all the milestones he had to become a trainer, but he knew in his heart that he has to talk with Giovanni for the last time. 

"Mom. Dad. I know that you're not too keen about me doing this, but this is what I need to do on my own. 

This conversation is only between us, and don't worry, I have Pichu by my side. " The teen reassures the group, as Officer Jenny came into the room, as she said, "You can enter the room now." 

Spark smiles at the police officer as he said , politely, "Thank you for arranging this, Officer Jenny. " 

"Hey, it's anything for the son of the Pokémon Master. It's really amazing of how you looked exactly like him, except of your eyes." 

Spark said, rubbing his head at the comment, "Awe, you really don't have to say that, Officer Jenny. 

I'm still trying to adjust the reality of I'm Ash and Serena's son. Both of the famous people that everyone in the Pokémon World knows.  For now, just treat me like any other trainer, or a friend. That suits me most of all." 

Spark took a deep breath as he and Pichu come face to face to see Giovani, who is wearing an orange jumpsuit and has a barcode id tattoo on his neck. 

The former Team Rocket leader looks directly into the young trainer's eyes . 

"So, you want to talk to me, boy?" He said , with a deep low voice . 

"Yeah, so we do, Giovanni." Spark replied. 

~With Ash and Serena~

Serena, Ash , and Bonnie were waiting for Spark's return. Bonnie sighs, "I still can't over the fact that Giovanni wanted to take over the Pokémon World, and to do that, he tricked you, Ash." 

Ash said, "I know. I still can't get over of that fact either, and I.. felt bad and responsible for all of this to happen." 

"Ash, it's not your fault. It was your choice to defend our family, and I'm proud of you." Serena said, trying to reassure her husband. 

"You honestly think so? I mean, I don't know to act like a father to Spark. To him, I am a total stranger that barged into his life ." Ash said. 

"Ash, Spark is more like you than you think." Serena said, which make him look surprised . 

Bonnie said, concurring with her, "Yeah, take it from me. Having Spark around to train with, his attitude is so similar to you when we used to travel together in Kalos all those years ago! 

His passion for Pokémon , he inherited that from you, and only you, Ash. You're his dad, wither you like it or not. " 

Ash never thought of having advice from his friends like that, as he notices a lot of changes that been for the last ten years since he disappeared and being part of Project Chosen. 

"I wonder what Spark will talk to Giovanni about anyway? It's weird that he would go to speak to him." Serena said, unsure of her son's conversation. 

"Beats me. He's your son after all." Bonnie said, as the Pokegear pops up to see Jessie , Persia , and Brandon. 

"Oh, there you guys are! We were wondering where you left off to." Jessie said, which make Ash and Serena blushed. 

"Oh, sorry . Spark wanted to go somewhere and we're waiting for him to come back." Ash explains to the group, but they were curious of why . 

"Tell me that Spark isn't going to do something dangerous." Brandon pleaded. 

Bonnie, Ash and Serena exchanged glances on each other, wondering who would tell them of where Spark went off to. 

"Just tell them, there is no point of telling the truth now." Bonnie said, as Ash nods with that statement. 

"To be honest, we're in the Pokémon Police HQ. Spark.. he um, wanted to talk to Giovanni himself." 

The room was reticent for a bit, but then the group yelled, 

"He did WHAT?!?" 

Ash said, "That was our reaction too. We didn't suspect Spark would actually do this. " 

Brandon ask, "Isn't this a little bit dangerous? I mean, Giovanni would do something to him . And don't forget that he is the one responsible for all of this!" 

Serena said, "I'm sure that Spark will be fine, besides maybe there is something that Spark had planned in store for him." 

Jessie said, "I hope that he wouldn't do anything reckless." 

"Well, he is the son of Ash. Of course he would. I mean, how many dangerous attempts Ash has done on his journeys?" Bonnie chuckles, as Ash's cheeks grew red , as he was in total embarrassment as he said, "Hey! What is that supposed to mean, Bonnie?!?" 

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