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Giggles and screams of joy filled the field of various flowers, insect, and animals. As little 4 year old Aina runs away from the baby lion Koa who playfully growls and nips at her ankles. Her parents not to far away sitting under the big tree in the middle of the field.

It was the second to the last day of the Peace Alliance Parade or P.A.P. it was baby Ainas favorite day of the year. It also happened around the time of her birthday, the second of January. The event brings animals and insect of different kind together of course whoever could make the event.

They were a hidden species if you must. They were not regular land people as you can tell from the animals surrounding them. They were the Royal family of all land on earth, but more so called themselves the protectors. But, humans don't know that which is a good and bad thing because then than their identities are hidden and no one will find out about them.

They weren't really what you call a hidden society they acted as regulars and went to work like regulars. their kingdom was spread out all over the world on different continents disguised in plain sight. Though they were hidden from human they were known about with the Atlanteans and the Amazon people only. But, that is not really a tight bondage that they hold.

Back to the present event baby Aina was currently trying to grow her moms favorite flower. But, Koa kept trying to pill on her shirt and growling at the bushes 10 feet away. getting irritated Aina turned to tell him to stop when she suddenly felt dizzy and the noise around got louder. Alarmed Koa roared as best as he could which surprisingly worked to his own parents who were sat next Ainas parents.

They immediately were up along with her parents and speed walked/trotted to the babes. When they finally get there Koa was full on protection mode his mohawk on his back raised. Baby Aina was full on crying and grabbing at her head.

"MOMMY! DADDY! MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE AHHHH!" By now all animals and people were up and either tense or crying as if feeling the pain of their dear princesses.

"My baby look at me! Look at mommy princess." Queen Cherish pleaded as she cradles her baby in her arms. Trying to coax her to open her eyes.

"GET ME THE DOCTOR NOW!!" King Stone demands as no longer than 5 seconds about 3 doctors came riding in on horses. Approaching their distressed Princess trying to see what's going on only to announce that they must go inside for better resources.

All the children, women and 20 warriors and men except the animals and insects went inside either the castle hospital or the castle itself. While the remaining men and warriors stayed outside with King Stone.

Looking towards were Koa and Honey-Ainas bear cub-along with a couple other animals. Surrounding the bush Koa was growling at earlier moved a bit.

"Show yourself now! Or we will have to use force!" The bush stopped moving for a while. The king motioned for them to bring whatever is in there. Once the warriors got close enough purple smoke leaked from through the bush.

"Don't inhale it could be something da-"the King announcement was interrupted by what sounds like a child crying. The warriors reach in and pull out a child that looks around the same as age as baby Aina. The Kings heart clenched at the sight of how battered it looked.

"Bring the child I will take it in for the time being 15 of you spread out and scope out the area. Make sure there is no one else." Stone instructs as he takes the child gently from the warrior.

"Yes Sir!" Off they went separate ways. Arriving at the castle hospital the King informs the nurse about the quiet child and for them to him or her a full check up and wash.


As the doctors and nurses tried to get baby Aina to open her eyes and see what's wrong she started to shake. Doctors rushed with their equipment to try and stabilize her while Cherish was watching from the window crying pleading to the god and goddesses above and present.

"Please don't take my baby please! She's my miracle baby PLEASE!" Pulled into the Kings embrace they both turned when they heard the flatline of her heartbeat.

"NO NOOO AINA BABY NOOOOO DON'T DO THIS TO ME" The King and Queen watched as the head Doctor turned towards them with tears streaming down his face. He mouthed 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry' shaking his head putting it down ashamed.

Cherish cried so much and hard she passed out her king lifted her up and gazed at his little princess. He felt a piece of his heart break and turned away to put his Queen to bed. Returning back to the room were his little princess laid. He cradled her body to him and cried.

He looked towards the flowers on the bedside table and saw it dead through his teary eyes. He blinked rapidly and an idea hit him he jumped with his little princess in his arms. Ran down the hall towards the entrance doors were the creatures stood up in shock.

"CLEAR A PATH TO THE TREE!" The crowd split as he raced down the hill and towards the field on a horse. Once there he places Aina on the ground where the roots of the tree combine. The animals circled around the tree and bow closing their eyes.

The King grabbed the earth beneath him and prayed to the gods and goddesses from all over. He felt a familiar strength of power next to him and knew it was his Queen. Dug her hands in the earth below and asked the one person she knew was waiting her calls for help.

"Mother Nature please...please give us our baby back" She whispered before the ground started to shake and the wind started to pick up causing 4 mini tornadoes to appear.

Thunder and rain came next, the rain water consumed baby Aina and a ring of wind wrapped around it. Then, 4 white flowers off the tree sunk into the water disappearing into her skin. Creating lines to form on her arms and once they met her eyes a lightning bolt struck her in the water. Opening her eyes and her gasping, the water sunk into her body and the wind let her down slowly. Everything went back to normal and the white glowing lines disappeared from her skin. Her white eyes gone and replaced with one silver-white and on green-hazel-blueish.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Baby Aina whispered before falling forward luckily Koa and Honey got there fast enough to cushion her landing.

That was the day everyone who witnessed knew she was more than an ordinary Princess. No, she was Princess Aina reborn as the Goddess of Nature herself.

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