CHAPTER 13- Meeting 'Family'

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I look around for my woman who doesnt know she's my woman but, is my woman.

"Wheres Aina?"


The results from the sound were causing waves of water to collide with the ship, causing many of us to stumble and fall. Two people come out of the water and clicks and gasping were heard. Mera comes up after and kneels out of breathe with a gash on her arm.

"Mera what happened? Wheres Aina?" I ask immediately and help them up the two were Ainas parents.

"The people who attacked us in Italy were actually two different groups, Orms and Tianas"

"We need to head back to land"

"I'll get us moving" Nuidis adds in before walking down along with the rest of the people.

"Why?" Mother asks as Meras father comes over as well.

"Because Tiana has only ever fought on land our home land specifically, so that means shes going to the nearest land source." The other ships go down and move ahead already.

"Everyone else get down Ill meet you there Let's go!" They go down helping Stone and Cherish along the way. I turn to dive when Meras father steps up to me, he sticks his hand out and I put my in it to shake.

"King Nereus"

"King Arthur thank you for protecting my daughter. I will stand by your side and help as much as we can." I just nod and we go our separate ways, I go into the water and speed off to my woman.


We get to the land site and sure enough there were guards in there stance with I think metal spears though they had green lining going through it. We step out our defense system on guard as well, one of theirs step out first about to declare something.

"STAND DOWN NOW!" King Stone steps up along with Queen Cherish and their guardsmen falter in some areas. Someone moves to the front of the line and takes off his mask.

"King Stone, Queen Cherish your...alive"

"Makana its good to see you again, my has time flew by I remember when you used to play dodge rock with Aina." Stone steps up to him as Queen Cherish trails after.

"STAND DOWN NOW ALL OF YOU!" Makana declares and the force immediately falls back, I step up next to them.

"Wheres Aina?" Makan looks to me and than to someone next to me. I frown and turn to see him staring at Mera and she was gazing back as well.

"Makana..Wheres Aina?" He snaps out of it and I roll my eyes irritated that were wasting time. He leads us to a huge ass field probably could fit 3 football fields together in the middle there was a big huge tree.

"Ok heres the plan-"

"Yes what is this marvelous plan that you have for us dear, Arthur" We turn to see Aina who had a bleeding lip being dragged by I guess Tiana.

"TIANA!" Ainas mother yelled stepping forward angry as hell. Tiana just smirked and chuckled while dropping Aina to the ground who groaned.

"My boob you bitch!" She holds her boob and Tiana pulls her hair to make her look up.

"Shut up!....Hello Cherish..Stone its sad to see my plans of getting rid of you two didnt work."

'Man shes a bitch'


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