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    MOTHA FUKAS Getting up I look around and Meras fighting her battles and Arthur is um oh being flown into a roof by a guy with a mosquito looking head weird. I feel hands hold me down and look up to see guys with scuba suits wow outfits on point today.

"Not today buddy." They stop at what I say which was a big mistake quickly I free my hand and punch the ground. Boosting me up and making them stumble and fall. I run and they chase me to a dead end that's what they think I jump and make a circle with my hand and pull creating steps on the wall.

"Suckers" That was until they used jets to fly up.

'Hmmph cheaters' I run and pull my hood tightly around me, I flew to the side when a blast happens close by. I turn and stomp lifting the stones that flew with me and flicked one causing all to go speeding towards them. Slowing them down I see Mera and run the same direction she runs. A scuba guy appears in front of me , sliding to a stop I make my hood covers until my mouth.

"Well, well, well if it ain't the mystery tag along. Why don't you lift the head and show yourself hmm?"

"Shut up and get on with it you wimp" He snarls and blasts his lazers I dodge them and pick up the rocks adding wind with it to create a whip and wrap his arms together. He goes to blast and I quickly jump and punch a huge rock lodging it in the blaster.

"Oh no" I smirk and just as it goes off I grow vines to wrap around him crushing and squeezing him. I hear a huge blast and see Arthur jumping from what used to be bell tower.

"GO!" I turn to Mera as she waves me forward and I go to Arthur running I get to the building that shows Arthur on the round and a little girl.



A part of the building starts to fall and Arthur goes to move her but, now finding out his name from scuba dudes Black Manta blasts him.

I quickly jump down and land next to the little girl and hold my hands up stopping the pillar, putting it to the side. I help the little girls parents and circle my hand and pull the stone debris up long enough for the dad to get out.

"GO GET INTO THE CHURCH!" I usher people in while blocking the flying bricks from Arthur and Manta. Feeling the waves from a blast stumbling  forward I turn in time to see Black Manta flying down the mountain and Arthur fall.

"ARTHUR!!" I ran to his side and move my hood grabbing a hold of him on my lap.

"Arthur! Hey look at me! Hey! DAMMIT ARTHUR!... MERA!" I yell and shake him until Mera comes I tell her to help me get him up.

"Come on we gotta move" We drag Arthur till we get the docks I look around to make sure no ones around and pull him to a nearby boat.

"We can use these? People just leave them openly for anyone?" I find the key and start it up and turn to Mera not looking at her completely and nod.

"Totally just dont ever do it unless Im their ok?" She nods and I tell her to untie the rope and once its off we set sail for the trident. Instructing Mera to watch the wheel it's just like the pod but above water.

Heading to Arthur I observe his wounds and see its healing already. I grow a special sealing plant and crush it on a bucket cover adding some sea water since he is part ocean.  Making it to a paste and rub it over his biggest wounds and burns. When finish I set him back on the nets to rest, sitting next to him closer to the side of the boat on a crate.

'What a day it's been' I shift a bit and wince I lift my coat and see long cut from under my boob to my hip. Sighing I take off the coat and put my hair up I take off the long sleeve and unzip the suit until my upper body shows good thing I left strapless bra on. I put my hand over the wound close my eyes and concentrate feeling the cool water seep out from my hand and cleanse the wound. Stings a bit I feel the wound closing up and exhale when its finished.

'Ahhh what a relief' I lay on my side facing Arthur and use the coat as a blanket and knock out.

Hey fam!

Just a quick reminder to vote on a body suit for Aina. 😁


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