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"NOOooo." Gasping I look around with my fists up, my wound were all healed they smelt like mint and alcohol. I turn when soft snoring was heard and find Beauty sleeping next to me. I see she unzipped the top half of her suit with clothing still covering her chest.

"She closed your wounds up while you were knocked out" Mera says from the entryway and sits on a crate.

"Really?" she nods still looking at Beauty and sighs, I look back to Pua and she shifts a bit.

"Don't tell me he got you into staring too Mera." Startling us she chuckles and stretches while yawning and sits up.

"Hahaha funny" I roll my eyes and Mera goes back to steering and Pua zips her suit back up. She looks at me and raises her brow then smirks.

"Go ahead Arthur you can ask?"

"Your names not really Pua isnt it?" She tenses before taking a deep breathe and looks me over and purses her lips.

"No" I raise a brow and motion on with my hand, rolling her eyes she continues.

"Your question was a yes or no question Arthur"

"Well than what is your real name?"

"Don't you dare laugh or go on an outburst alright?" I nod

"My name is..... is  Princess Aina Nature of the Terra Guardian Empire the last royal heir to my line". I just stared at her shocked was not expecting that.

"Wow I mean I knew you were something but, this was more unexpected than I thought." She shrugs looking down than back up at me and bites her lip, my line of vision drops to it.


"Yeah beauty"

"I know youre unsure of all this" Breaking my gaze I stare at her confused at how she would know this.

"When I was a putting the paste on your wound I felt a shock of your feelings for a moment. It was the one of the biggest feelings I felt. Why?"

"I...I dont think Im worthy of being King for Atlantis." She shakes her head and sighs.

"Big guy you got it all wrong."


"Do you not see how they are with a king right now? They dont want or need a king right now Arthur they need something better."

"What could be greater than a king?" She throws her hands up.

"A god, goddess, a queen, a uh a HERO Arthur a hero" She looks into my eyes and I smile a bit more as she smiles as well.

"Yeah a hero" She hit my arm which hurt a tiny bit.

"Thats it big guy"

"Did you guys steal this boat?" Asking as Mera walks out she shakes her head no.
Aina said it was open to the public, is it not?" I shake my head at these two, Aina chuckles rub the back of her neck while smiling innocently.


"Oh and to only do it if she is present" Aina gives me a thumbs up I laugh shaking my head. This is woman is something else I swear.

"Anyways, Mera where are we" Mera frowns

"Well the place between the two islands is actually were the trench is which is where we are." Its night time and the waters get rougher and rain starts to poor down. Putting on the shirt beside me getting up while also helping up Aina who ate a few leaves.

"You alright? You were looking a little pale there"

"Yeah just had to consume some greens in order for the oxygen to really settle through me." As her skin starts to go back to her normal tone, I nod just as something hits the boat turning we see a trench creature.

'Ew hideous little things aren't they'

Hey fam!

Don't forget to vote on a body suit. The ending results will be posted by tomorrow. Have a safe and goodnight y'all.


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