-Reign Love

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I felt a huge mass push me and stand above me, I look up and smile.

"KOA! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I stand wrap my arms around him as best as I could and start to tear up. I felt another warm figure nuzzle my back and wrap one arm Honey.

"I missed you too Honey." They purr and move away as I felt a ticklish feeling happening, my eyes sting for 2 seconds. I blink a couple times and look down to see my suit changed back to normal including my skin.

"Aina!" I hug my parents and Mera reassuring I was fine. They told me I needed to be announced as Queen so they pulled me to a 3 ft tall stage.

"All hail Queen Aina Nature of the Terra Empire." You know the 'long live the queen' chant happened. We started to go back the castle in groups until it was only a few warriors, parents, Mera, Makana, me and Arthur. We havent spoken yet but we did glance at each other from time to time.

"You ready?" Dad asks, I hesitate and look around to the land, shaking my head no.

"What's wrong dear?" I sigh

"I-I dont want to leave." They scrunch their eyebrows and tilt their head.


"I just feel a connection here, I just explored parts of world I never thought I would see. I dont want to go back to the place that holds some of the darkest memories. Trust me Im fine with the whole Queen thing but, I cant go back. I feel home here were everything connects." I look at them and they ponder the situation, sorry but even if they didnt agree Ill still stay.

"If that's what you want than well support you with it. We have to go but, we love you Aina we are only a rock away."

LI love you guys too" They hug and kiss my forehead and off they went after waiting for Makana to give Mera his number.

'oooh I see you Mera'

"Thank you Mera, for saving me first." We chuckle and hug

"Thank you Aina, for saving me second."

"Visit sometime little mermaid." I smile and watch as she walks into the water. I sigh and turn to the man himself, he was already looking at me.

"I see the staring is your thing huh" I joke biting my lip and he smirks walking up to me and stopping a couple feet away. I look him over and I mean really look at him. He was handsome, comical, yet firm and I loved that. I-I loved him.

"I only stare at beauty, and that's you" My breathe hitched as I realize he leaned closer when I was thinking.

'Oh fuck is he gonna do it, or am I gona have to do it myself.....oh fuck it' I his face and pull him to me and kiss him. I feel him kiss back and deepen it while wrapping his arms around my waist. I feel him stand up straighter which lifts me off the ground so I wrap my legs around him, my arms around his neck.

"I-I love you Arthur." I say when we pulled back only a little bit and he smiles.

"I love you too Beauty...you know your mines now, my Queen." I frown

"No" He frowns and looked hurt, until I snort and laugh.

"I'm sorry of course I was just joking big guy." He rolls his eyes and pretends to drop me and I hit his chest.

"Meanie" He makes a pout and I laugh but kiss him again and I feel him smile into it. Now, I wont say life will be easier from now on because it wont. I just know that we will work this out through thick and thin. He is mine now and I am his there ain't no changing that ever. Trust and believe I will fight a bitch who tries to take him or tries to take me away from him. My hands swing both ways so square up.

"I love you Beauty"

"I love you Arthur"


Hey Fam! 🤩

Omg we made it to the end. I hope you guys liked it. I tried to get the lines to at least close to what they said. 🎉

I wanna thank all you readers for supporting this book. I wanna thank my great friend keoxpua for helping me edit.

Lastly, I wanna thank me for actually accomplishing this book. Let me know if you guys want a sequel.

Love y'all 😍


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