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Childhood Sweetheart
(A/n: English is not my first language)


"You are here again." Youngjae said acting he was annoyed to Jungkook.

"As if I want to be here hyung. If you will just sell this cafe of yours to me you would not see my face in your everyday life." Jungkook said and ordered his usual order.

Youngjae's cafe is famous because of its theme wherein a flower slash cafe shop at the middle of city. That's why it is popular, also it's because in front of  the other entrance of Taehyung's company.

Youngjae gave the younger's older and sat beside him staring at the glass window where Jungkook watch Taehyung having some lovey dovey moments with his girl.

"You actually trying to kill yourself?" Youngjae muttered a fact.

"That should be me hyung." Jungkook said sighing and take a sip of his chocolate milk shake while pouting.

"From the past 8 months being with you and being your friend I never know why you fall in love to that man." Youngjae said.

"Well hyung we are childhood sweethearts" Jungkook says and giggles like a child. 

"Wow this is cringing--"

"Hyung-- are you gonna listen or you will just bashed me on how I tell the story." Jungkook asked annoyed.

"Okay okay go on." Youngjae said.

"Hyung and I met when I was 5 years old. He'd be visiting me with his mom, because my mommy and his mom are friends. Taehyung hyung was 7 years old back then."

Jungkook came home from school crying because there are some group of children pushes him at the swing.

"Mommy! Mommy! They pushed me! They also said dad left us because he doesn't love you and me."

"Also they call you mistress-- what does that means?" Jungkook asked sobbing felt so hurt because those rich children from that school hates him.

"What-- wait kookie baby stop crying okay." Eunju said as she calm her son.

"Aigoo... Come here Kookie." Jihyun said, Eunju's best friend.

"Do you still remember when I told you that you'll be meeting my son?" Jihyun started.

"He is in your room, he was playing there your mom lend him your toys there." Jihyun said and wipes the younger's tears.

"I don't want to play to anyone-- he could hate me too." Jungkook said as he went back to his mother's arms.

"Do you want to sleep for now baby?" Eunju asked.

"Yes mommy." Jungkook said and rested his head at his mother's arms.

"Those children are ridiculous for making this cute son of your crying also hearing them calling you a mistress is a wow. How old are they?"

"Wait so-- you are Jung Eunju's son-- you mean the famous actress back in 90's and suddenly disappeared in media and people keep spreading false news telling the whole South Korea that she was a mis--" Youngjae hold his mouth.

"Wait-- those children are ridiculous." Youngjae commented.

Jungkook bitterly smiled, he hates to admit it but--

"It was not a false news hyung, it was true. We are not the original family because my dad hides it from us. He never told to my mom that he already have a family." Jungkook said.

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