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Let's talk


After Jungkook send the message, Taehyung was trying to contact him but was not answering. He even used the back gate of their house, school whenever he sees Taehyung is coming.

Like it's been a week since he become so cheesy as a cheese... and now he was facing the consequence of his cheesiness.

He decided to visit Youngjae's cafe but he used the back door to as his passage.

Youngjae jumpen in surprise when he daw JK.

"Yah! Why are you here?" Youngjae asked.

"Hyuuuung!" He started and hugged Youngjae like a fangirl.

"What the heck! JK! What are you doing you bunny–" and Youngjae knocked his head.

"Hyuuung! A week ago! I texted him I mean before he came back here! And nooow here he issss! He is not stop texting me eveeeen going to school to check me out!" Jungkook said screaming out his lungs.

"Can you please calm down your gay lungs." Youngjae said sighing. Because Jungkook is running away again.

"Now tell me— why did you suddenly pushing him away?" Youngjae asked.

"Hyung— it's not like that— but I was kinda shy— also... I feel like... I am scared of something." Jungkook said.


"Like— he might suddenly change." Jungkook said.

"I will not... not anymore." A familiar voice was heard... Jungkook looked at Taehyung he was surprised of course he was wearing his formal attire while at the back of the cafe.

Well Taehyung texted him telling he'll be having a board meeting today. But the older end up here—

"What about your meeting hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"I cancelled it. Because I need to talk to you." Taehyung said.

"Who told you that I was here?" Jungkook asked, Taehyung pointed his lips telling it was Youngjae.

"Hyung?!" Jungkook said annoyed at Youngjae's smile.

"Kookie. You can't runaway because you are scared... we are all scared of something but we need to face it. Running away over something is not an escape— the escape is to fight that." Youngjae said smiling and left the two.

"I bet you can't runaway anymore with me now." Taehyung said smiling.

"But can I have a hug first?" Taehyung asked still smiling— Jungkook's cheeks are tinted red now.

"Can you stop being so handsome?" Jungkook said pouting.

"Awww— that is if you stop being so cute!" Taehyung said, and pulled Jungkook to close the gap between them. (Taehyung hugged him.)

"I miss you so much baby." Taehyung whispered in his ears, he softly pushes Jungkook away from the hug.

Jungkook lowered his head as he was playing the hem of his shirt.

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