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Stay away from me



fter Jungkook apologized the engagement party is will be in two days from now. He is feeling nervous right now... Especially he didn't met Taehyung since then, and at school well it was still around but he just shrugged it off. People will believe everything especially if it's a gossips with so many decorations.


Youngjae was worried of course, he just can't stay still while those university file admins were having a good payoff for this topic. That's why he decided to meet those admins.

"Hyung come on let me know who are those shitheaded hyung." Youngjae said as he whines around Jaebum who is busily fixing accomplishment reports.

"Okay fine. Youngjae, I will tell the one member of them and talk to her then after that. You will stop involving yourself with JK's problem."

"Youngjae listen. You have to believe to your vest friend that can pass this issue. Jungkook is brave you know that." Jaebum said, as he hold Youngjae's hands. Jaebum understand his boyfriend of course he is just worried with his best friend. If he was at Youngjae's position too he would do it.

"Yes hyung I will try." Youngjae said smiling.


"So look who's here the slut who snakes Kim Taehyung to our Rebecca unnie." Jungkook looks at them, it could be they are Rebecca's fans.

Jungkook just looked at them without saying a word.

"How come you still have the guts to work around the campus?"

"I bet he did that because he is rich, he is mr. Jeon's son from a mistress."

"Oopps. The tea got spilled." The three girls laughed at their not so good entrance.

They literally pour the tea at the book that Jungkook was reading. Good thing it was not hot, at least Jungkook's skin would not get burn.

"Please stop messing around, I don't want to talk to anyone of you." Jungkook said and thrown the book at the garbage.

He stood up and left them.

"Look what I've got here. A whole bullying scene." Taehyung said as he waved his phone to them.

"Taehyung—" the girls said in surprised.

"I will tell you something."

Taehyung started as his face becomes serious.

"Jungkook is not a slut nor a snake."

"And if there is a snake here... I could be that serpent who will make your life miserable." Taehyung said.

The girls stepped back and begging for forgiveness.

"Also, don't call his mother a mistress— because you don't know anything about Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung said, and left them.

Well what is he really doing there? Even him he doesn't know why he was here. All he know was he is just worried that Jungkook might have been bullied around at the school and it was real. He just hate himself for worrying too much to the younger wherein he shouldn't be. Jungkook was nothing but just a childhood friend whom he promised he will protect. But why— why am I protecting you so much? I don't understand myself... He thought.

Later that day, he went back to the office he already blocked all of the articles in the naver. He went out of his company to stay at Youngjae's cafe and drink some coffee.

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