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Wish I never met you


Taehyung woke up with a of course hangover.

Taehyung looked around it was his room, he gulped. So he wasn't dreaming— all of what he said to the younger, and seeing Jungkook crying wasn't a dream. He harshly comb his hair... When the door suddenly opened.

"The next time you come home, looking so devastated... Please just stay the night at other's house." Ji hyun said and gave him some painkillers.

"Drink this I'll be downstairs." Ji hyun said and left his son there alone.

What the fuck did I do? Why the hell I said those things to him. Taehyung said in frustrations.

Taehyung visited Youngjae's cafe, he looked around Jungkook wasn't around. He asked for some green tea, and then Youngjae gave it. When Youngjae was about to leave—

"You are Jungkook's friend right?" Taehyung asked.

"I am." Youngjae answered.

"How is he?" Taehyung asked.

"Why are you asking me? Why don't you aske him? As if I said he was fine you'll believe me." Youngjae answered.

"Is there any reason you'd lie to me?" Taehyung asked.

"There is no reason. But the answer is only Jungkook's knows how he feels right now." Youngjae said.

"I saw him yesterday, there are group of girls... Who are bad mouthing him— are they still bothering him? Does he always —"

"To tell you the real tea here." Youngjae started.

"It always happens to him. Usually the professor's gives him a hard time. Since he was rich and of course he is not just that normal chaebol son. It's more dramatic chaebol. But since you and Rebecca's break up came out at the internet his school life is more miserable."

"To tell you my honest opinion..."

"I wish Jungkook never met you." Youngjae said directly.

"But he really loves you, and you only see him as a younger brother. But at least if you see him as a younger brother you could have protected him." Youngjae said...

And silence...

Youngjae blinked once, twice, ... Did he just literally say those words.

"Wait don't get me wrong okay... It's just I'm a protective best friend here! But... Jungkook is the happiest person when he met you." Youngjae said.

"I'm sorry." Youngjae apologize and left Taehyung there.

"Jungkook you are sick— I will—"

"Mom— it's just a fever don't worry." Jungkook said weakly.

"Aish— Don't go to school today okay. Just rest." Eunju said to her son, she cooked porridge for Jungkook and ready his medicine when suddenly Taehyung came there.

"Oh Tae—" Eunju greeted.

"Auntie." Taehyung started.

"What brings you here? Jungkook is not feeling well. He literally went home late at night and he was soaking wet because of the rain and now there he is suffering from fever." Eunju said, Taehyung gulped, it's my fault again. I wasn't able to protect him again...

"Is he sleeping?"

"Yeah he is, I'll be changing his clothes since he is sweating alot." Eunju said,

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