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Court you

Jungkook and Yugyeom are in a cafe, they're seating across each other. Yugyeom has been fidgeting his fingers... he was quite nervous unsure what could Jungkook answer be...

"I... I like you" Yugyeom finally said those 3 words... Jungkook remained silent... he knows that if he answered– he might hurt the taller's feelings.

"I want to–"

"Court you."

"I know– it's not been too long since you and Taehyung broke up– but I want to court you let's date." Yugyeom said stuttering...

Jungkook doesn't want to hurt him... if he says no now, that would be rude because without trying and giving it a try– is bad one.

"Okay." Jungkook awkwardly answered. After all Yugyeom could be everyone's ideal type.

He is tall, kind, soft hearted, he smiles a lot... he is rich and smart too.

"Are you really sure about that?" Youngjae asked.

"The first time all of this started you were here... giving me a background about your love story– but now you agreed on dating Yugyeom?" Youngjae asked.

"I'm not against with it– but I don't want Yugyeom to end up a rebound." Youngjae said, concern with the two...

"I will not let that happened hyung– i'm just giving it a week to try...if it went well then maybe he can totally help me to get over my feelings for Taehyung hyung." Jungkook said.

"Okay if you say so." Youngjae said.

"Hm– I'm going... he asked me to go home early today. He will be cooking my favorite pasta, then binge watch some anime." Jungkook said and excused himself.

When he came home... the table in their kitchen was all settled. Yugyeom is really a sweet guy. He thought...

The dinner went well they talked about some random things and catch up more with their childhood. Jungkook didn't notice that while talking about their childhood he mentioned Taehyung not just once but many times. Yugyeom felt prick in his chest.

"It seems like your childhood was all about Taehyung."

"Ah– I'm sorry I got carried away." Jungkook lowered his head.

Yugyeom can feel how close they are back then, how Jungkook fell in love with Taehyung, how happy Jungkook is just telling the story of their shared moment in their childhood days.

"Aigoo... shhh don't be. Let's watch some anime?" Yugyeom said.

Yugyeom pulled him to spoon him in his arms... Jungkook find it awkward, because it was Taehyung who usually spoon him for a hug whenever they watch some movies till the older fell asleep... till they both fell asleep.

Jungkook hates what he feels right now– he felt like he was betraying Yugyeom... because he was imagining and reminiscing some memories of him and Tae. He told himself that he will try but he guess he really can't –

Yugyeom felt how Jungkook uncomfortable he is... so he loosen the hug. Till Jungkook successfully made a gaps between them. Yugyeom just let it be...

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