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Date him

Taehyung is at Youngjae's cafe. A g a i n.

"My vacation is coming to an end." He said sighing .

And he haven't done anything with JK yet. Like asking him to go out. After he asked for his forgiveness, JK will constantly act cold the sweet then cold.

"Ohh I know someone who is like that." Jin commented.

"Also I know someone who can help you with that." Jin added.

"Who?" Taehyung asked lazily.

"My one and only little meow meow. Min Yoongi." Jin answered.

"Ha? Why?"

"Yoongi is a tsundere so JK is..." Jin said, Yoongi gave him a poisonous look.

"See even now." Jin said.

"Well I don't think my JK is a tsundere because he used to be so sweet with me."

"Used to be. Past tense... so it was just all in the past Tae." Jin answered.

"See you just told us that he was pushing you away." Jin added.

Youngjae didn't know that his cafe was the new board meeting place of the famous CEO's he can use this for advertising his cafe.

"Youngjaee~ do you have some plan there?" Taehyung asked pouting.

"You already asked for forgiveness right? Why don't you try to date him?" Youngjae asked and take some photos of them again.

"Yeah right. Go asked him out on a date." Jin answered.

"And that– if he will agree to go out with you." Yoongi answered, and confiscated Youngjae's phone to check if their photos are not that stolen shot that can be use as a meme.

"Of course he will! I am his favorite hyung." Taehyung answered excitedly.

Taehyung was at Jungkook's house. He gulped in nervousness... of course who would not be? Jungkook hasn't fully forgive him yet. So how he will ask Jungkook out for a date today? There is a big chance that Jungkook might turn his request down like what he did 2 years ago.

"Hyuung I got some tickets! Let's go visit the place!" Jungkook said excitedly.

"I already visited that place with Alexa." Taehyung said. He was busy at typing some reports.

"You– al– already visited that place?" Jungkook repeatedly asking... he feel like this is one of those top 10 betrayals in Youtube.

He gulped restraining his tears from falling.

"Okay." Jungkook's last words and left him.

It was supposed the two of them who will visit the place. But Taehyung broke the promise that they made. He already came there with someone and Jungkook felt so hurt that he runaway and cried out loud in his room.

But the thing there was... Taehyung lied. Alexa told him back then that he can't go out with Jungkook or else she will break up with him. But he was glad now that Alexa change now...

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