Sixty four

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Unfortunately i had to have a meeting with the school this morning about attendance . So Fp took me and Jughead to school and Jug went into the common room .
"Ill pick you up later " he said to Jug before walking with me to Mr Weatherbees office .
"Good Morning Mr Jones " he said extending his hand for Fp which Fp gladly took.
"Take a seat " he said looking at the two chairs which sat opposite his desk .
" Mr Jones i simply invited you to this meeting to discuss Ivy's attendance . There has been a slight increase however a little while ago she was absent for a whole week without reasoning for her absences "
"Yes the reason behind her not being in for a week is quite personal and doesnt need to be discussed in your office principal Weatherbee "
"Well i would like to see her attendance carrying on to improve "
"She can do her best however she will have to occasionally have to leave for hospital appointments "
"There is no health condition on her record as far as im away "
"Well this is a bit different " Fp said
"How so ?" Principal Weatherbee looked at us both , Fp turnt to look at me .
"Might aswell tell him Dad , hopefully that gets him off my back "
"Ivy stop with the attitude ." "Okay so Ivy is in a situation where she may need a few days off here and there . "
"This situation is ?"
"For christ sake im pregnant " i say . Principal Weatherbee looks at ke and nods.
"Well Ivy you arent the first pregnant student to walk through these and most likely you wont be the last . I understand you will need to go to appointments and things so you can be excused from classes if needs be . Also our nurse will happily help you with anything you may need "
"Thanks Principal Weatherbee thats helpful "
"Thank you sir " Fp said
"Okay well why dont you get to your first lesson while me and your father finish up " i nodd before leaving and going to my first class which was Art with Mr Matthews .
"Morning Ivy "
"Morning . Oh Mr M i finished them sketches already and ive got them here "
"Well thats excellent , these are excellent aswell " he says flicking through the sketches i had previously handed to him.
"Thank you " i say before taking my seat next to Sweetpea .
"Why was you in the office this morning ?"
"We had a meeting about my attendance " i roll my eyes and lay my head on the table.
"What did he say ?"
"Does it matter Sweetpea ! " i snap and then realised.
"Sorry its just im dying for a smoke " i sigh
"I bet you are but you just got to hold it out "
"Can you pass me the paints please ?" He handed me the paints that were next to him to me and i began to paint in the art book in front of me. I almost finished it however the class ended and we all began to leave for lunch .
"Ivy , Sweetpea before you leave may i have a word " the three of us stood in the classroom .
" okay so Principal Weatherbee has informed me and i just wanted to let you know if you two need anything at all dont hesitate at all "
"Uh yeah thanks Mr M " he gave a smile.
"Go on and get some lunch " the two of us left hand in hand to go outside to meet some of the serpents outside at one of the tables .
"How do they know ?"
"Fp told him this morning so i can be excused if i need to be "
"Well we could take advantage of that this afternoon " he said stopping pulling him towards me so his back was against the locker .
"Dont even tempt me pea "
"Cmon baby you know you want to " he says quietly near my ear gently kissing near my ear .
"You two need to get a room" we both hear Fangs say making us pull away from each other .
"Leave the lovebirds alone " Toni said as Cheryl joined her side .
"Yeah whatever im already fifth wheeling "
"Dont worry Fangs " i say standing next to him and wrapping my arm around him.
"Looks like ive stolen your girl Pea "
" you wish Fogarty " he said squinting his eyes

A bad boy with good intentions - Sweetpea fanficWhere stories live. Discover now