Part fourteen

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Jughead had already gone to school as he went early to meet Betty. So Ivy hopped into her car and began to drive towards Sweets trailer. She had missed the feeling of driving , and the cliche feeling of the wind blowing her hair back. Sweet pea must have heard her pull up as he came outside as soon as got there. He jumped over the door into the passenger seat.
"You cant even use the door like a normal person"
"Come on doll you should know by now im far from normal"
She began to drive to the next trailer to pick up Fangs.
"Sweet ride" Fangs said before getting into the back.
"Thanks " she said before going to the final trailer to pick up Toni . She pressed the horn , they all saw the curtain shift and then Tonis face appear at the window before it soon left and she came running out the door.
"Did you hotwire this or something"
"Maybe " Tonis eyes widened.
"Calm down Toni im joking , Fp got it back from my moms house"
"Okay so the car isnt stolen thats good" she said before getting in next to Fangs. The four turnt up in the carpark parking in the spot where usually their bikes would be parked. Before they went to get out of the car Ivys phone rung it was Fp telling her he was going out of town for a few days to sort out some buisness she didnt ask what the buisness was as she didnt want to pry. She hung up before the four got out of the car and they gathered around the outside table as went into riverdale high , she walked down the hallway and into the common room. She saw Jug with Betty she interupted them to tell him that Fp would be out of town for a few days , straight away she knew this meant Betty would be staying round . How fun , dont get me wrong she liked Betty but thirdwheeling especially when she knew what they would be most likely getting up to didnt sound fun. She walked to the spare chair and sat down . Her phone buzzed. She slid it out of her pocket .

You might want to come outside

What ?

Just come outside

She slipped the phone back into her jean pocket before walking back down the hallway and once again into the carpark. The serpents heard the door open and looked to see Ivy coming out of the door they watched her as she looked confused. They heard her scream before she ran up to someone.
Ivy ran past the parked cars and pulled the boy into a tight hug. Issac had been one of her best friends back home she didnt know why he was in Riverdale but she didnt care she was glad to see him.
"What you doing in Riverdale?"
"I was passing through because of some Basketball thing and i made a pit stop cause i knew youd be here "
" oh my god i cant believe it " she smiled .
" im only here until tommorow night , so whatever plans you have tonight cancel them because Issac is back " he said running his hands through his hair.
"Okay, well tonight come to my trailer ill text you the number and we can go out. Cant promise they will be as wild as they were back home"
"Okay well i look forward to it " he pulled her in for a hug once more before leaving the parking lot. In Chemistry Ivy had a seat next to Fangs and Toni.
"So who was that boy we saw you with earlier " she asked and Fangs nudged her and winked. " old friend from back home " . "Friends " fangs said while making quotation marks in the air . She punched his arm . "Just friends" she said before scribbling down the rest of her notes from the board at the front of the class.

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