Did I Just Say That Out Loud?

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hi! i just reread the few chapters and oof i promise you it gets better, i was still pretty new at this when i began so if you can ignore a few slipups, and typos, the story gets way better! thank you

You entered the rehearsal room, knowing that the band practice got over an hour ago and it should be empty. You were carrying a huge box full of Queen album art and you were supposed to sort through them. Although you had been interning with Jim Beach a month now, you had only met the band a few times. You loved them, obviously. Freddie was really nice to you, and Brian actually gave you guitar lessons one time. You liked Roger the most, you two got along the few times you had met and he was really fun to talk to.
You swung open the door with your hip as your hands were preoccupied and sauntered in. While humming your favourite tune, you set down the cardboard box on a table when you heard someone cough behind you. Immediately turning, you realized you weren't alone in the room. Roger was sat on a stool, slightly spinning around with his drumsticks in his hand. He was dressed in a soft white button down shirt and faded jeans. His hair was messy and he had a cigarette at the edge of his mouth.
He looked good.
He actually looked amazing, even though you would never admit that to him.
"Um, hi" you spoke "I had no idea you were in here, practice ended hours ago"
"Looks like they left the trash behind" You said.
He stared at you for a second or so, which honestly felt like hours to you, and then broke into a grin.
"And hello to you too Y/N, missed you" He said, twirling the sticks in his hand.
"Were you working on another song?" You asked.
"No, just thinking" He said and you entered further into the room. He glanced at you, holding the box as big as your body and spoke up "It looks like you need some help"
"I'm pretty sure I can manage" You scoffed at him.
He smiled and said "All right, you're feisty today"
You headed towards the table to put down the box, trying to not pay attention to how Roger was watching your every move.
"What are you doing anyway?" He asked and walked towards you. He leaned on the table and looked at how you were sorting through the Art.
"Jim wants me to pick out the best album art" You told him.
"Is there ever a time when you do anything other than work?" He teased and crossed his arms, scrutinizing you "Come to the party tonight, see how it is"
"That's not really my kind of place" You replied, trying to ignore him. He had asked you a few times before to accompany them to their after party.
"Of course it's not, which is exactly why you need to come. When will you stop being such a prude?" He said.
"Please shut up, Roger"
"Love, if you go home with a guy tonight, I swear I'll never ask you to come to a party again" He spoke. That caught your attention and you turned towards him. His blue eyes were right on yours.
"No" You said outright and turned around with the album art, only to have your shoes betray you, causing you to trip forward. All you saw was the look of amusement on Roger's face as you almost fell forward, the papers in your hand dropping to the floor. You braced for impact, until you felt an arm around your waist.
"Fuck" You said and realised that Roger had caught you. Your fingers had instinctly grabbed his shirt and you looked up to see him smiling at you. His blonde hair fell around his face perfectly.
He had a soft smile on his face and you were becoming increasingly aware of his grip on you.
"What are you looking at love?" He said.
You then realized all of the art you had dropped to the floor.
You immediately let go of your hold on him and bent down. He got down on your level, helping you.
"Come tonight to the party. Give it a chance"
You shook your head. Just because he was gorgeous didn't mean he could talk you into something so ridiculous.
"Excuse me?" He spoke, amusement not leaving his face.
"Did I just say that out loud?" You said, heat rushing to your cheeks.
"Did you not mean to?" He said, raising an eyebrow, trying to mortify you even more.
"Oh my god, shut up Roger" You said.
"I know I am gorgeous, but I didn't know it had such an effect on you" He said and you shoved the papers into his hand.
"I'm done here, sort these out yourself" You said, getting up.
"Oh come on love, I was only joking" He said, laughing. You grabbed the box and started walking out.
"I'll see you at the party tonight" He said as you were about to open the door.
"I never said I'm coming" You said, over your shoulder.
"Oh, I know you are"
You turned to see him with half a smirk on his face and you sighed.
This wa going to be hard to get out of.

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