Is She Here To Stay?

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After you had left Roger's hotel room, you had gone straight to your rented out trailer. You felt sick from your hangover, and you needed to change out of your clothes. You were still in your party outfit from last night. The boys had called you over to the studio later today for a rehearsal session, but you weren't sure if you were up for it.

After three missed calls from Freddie and Brian, you realized how good it was of them to invite you for an exclusive recording session. You didn't want to miss it and so you ended up going.

You showed up to the studio just when they were in the midst of rehearsing their new single. Freddie was at the front, demonstrating a particularly high note while the rest watched. The viewing area was filled with the smell of smoke and you raised your eyebrow at the same girl from the morning who was passed out on the couch. You glanced at Freddie and he simply smiled at your presence.

"Guess you boys already have company, huh?" You spoke, standing with your arms crossed in front of the window.

"Oh, darling that's just Roger's. We much prefer you here" Freddie explained, dismissing the female with a flick of his hand.

You smiled back and looked at Roger. He was sat behind the drums idly, flipping his drumsticks. He looked at you and grinned and you almost rolled your eyes at him. You looked at the couch, and decided to sit on the far end, away from the woman. As soon as the weight shifted, she woke up with a start and looked at you.

"Hey... you're the girl from the morning" She said, sleepily. You nodded, really not in the mind to make conversation with a groupie.

"How do you know the band?" She asked you, not catching on to your disinterest.

"Um, I'm sort of a personal assistant to their Lawyer and Manager" You explained, not looking in her direction. You were looking at Roger and you saw him wink at his girl and she basically exploded.

"I'm here with Roger, the hot drummer" She told you. You hadn't really asked her but okay.

"Isn't he so cute?" She said again, looking at you for a reaction. You didn't want to answer her and thankfully, the band started playing again, blocking out any reply you would have made.

The answer would have been yes, obviously, you weren't blind to Roger's charm but what you couldn't stand was how aware he was of this.

You looked at Deacy peacefully playing the bass, then at Brian and how he used his entire body to move his fingers against the guitar, and then at Freddie and how his facial expressions vastly kept changing at every note. Your eyes drifted towards Roger in the end. He was in a lot of concentration as his hands moved against the cymbals. His hair was wildly flailing around, and his expression resembled that of a pout as he pounded against the drums. His focus was entirely on the drumset in front of him and it felt like nothing could break that focus. That is, until he looked up and his eyes met yours. Your instinct was to look away and not give him the attention but something about the way his eyes locked onto yours kept you in your place. You looked right back at him, his hands on the drum were still at the same pace and you wondered how he could not falter even once. For a second, you forgot where you were and Brian loudly interrupted "I'm sorry, if you and her are done gawking at each other like two love birds, can we please get on with the song?"

You grew red at that statement and looked away. Obviously Brian thought Roger was staring at his girl, and not you. Apparently Roger had been playing one note the entire song. Roger looked towards Brian and mumbled something along the lines of "Fuck off" before continuing to play. You turned around and saw the girl was unbothered as she sat back on the couch, taking a drag of her cigarette. You went and joined her, figuring it would be better if you didn't distract them any further. A lot of arguments later, they were done with their rehearsal and they all walked out of the recording space.

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