Neighbors: Part Three - J.B.B.

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Reader's P.O.V.

Once you, Sam, Steve, and Bucky left the warehouse, everything moved fast. Steve hijacked a car--and a sorry one at that--made a couple of phone calls and then found a place to lay low while you all attempted sleep in the small cab of the car. Steve and Sam slept in their seats up front while you and Bucky crashed in the back. He gave you the seat while he took the floor. You're not entirely sure he got any sleep at all. In the morning, you all got over the poor-quality night and Steve drove you to a secluded area under a bridge somewhere near the edge of the city. He met a woman there and they talked a bit before she opened up the trunk to reveal their gear. Things did get awkward, however, when Steve and the woman kissed. You were surprised, to say the least, and became flushed with embarrassment. Like a normal person, you looked away to give them some privacy, but Bucky and Sam didn't seem phased in the least as they looked on at the pair. You hit Bucky for good measure but it didn't deter him. Once that moment was over--you were thankful it was--Steve loaded the gear into the trunk of the getaway car and parted ways with the blonde woman. Ever since then, you've all been on your way to the airport to meet Steve's friend who is supposed to be helping with transportation to...somewhere. Nobody has told you where. They haven't told you much of anything, actually.

It's been a long ride, even longer with such uncomfortable conveyance, but Steve says you will all be there soon. You are lost in thought, looking out the window at the passing roadside when another bump in the road causes you to lurch into Bucky to your right. You look over at him and give him an apologetic look. He nods wordlessly. You've already apologized countless times on the trip. You figured it was getting old and unnecessary so you saved yourself the trouble this time.

"We're here. Noi suntem aici," you hear Steve's deep voice announce. You look away from Bucky to peer out the windshield at the airport you are approaching. The car pulls into a large parking garage and continues up several levels before being parked close to a white van. Everyone gets out of the car, you and Bucky being last ones. A man gets out of the white van and Steve starts talking to him while you stick with Bucky behind the car.

"Ce se va intampla?" ("What's going to happen?") you ask Bucky softly. He looks down at you.

"Nimic încă mare. Vom ajunge la elicopter și vom pleca de aici." ("Nothing big yet. We'll get to the helicopter and leave from here.") You nod and continue to look on at the people conversing in front of you. A brunette woman has joined the other man that seemed to be Steve's friend. The man goes to the van and slides the door back to reveal a dark-haired man sleeping lazily in the back. He wakes up startled when the door slams in place and before slowly getting out of the van.

"Cine este?" ("Who is that?") you ask Bucky in the same soft voice so as not to raise attention.

"Nu știu. Dar e de partea noastră." ("I don't know. But he's on our side.")

They talk for a little while longer, smiles appearing every so often. Seeing the glimpses of them is a nice break from all the seriousness and danger, even if it is short-lived. That break ends when a voice comes over a speaker. The voice is dispelled over the entire airport but it's in a language you can't understand. It's certainly not English, you can tell that much.

"They're evacuating the airport," Bucky tells the others.

"Stark," Sam says, looking at Steve.

"Stark?" the new guy questions in confusion. Steve looks at everyone for a moment before ordering, "Suit up." They all move to get their gear at once. Bucky begins to move toward the trunk of the car when you stop him by his arm.

"Bucky, ce se întâmplă?" ("Bucky, what's happening?")

"Oamenii care ne caută au evacuat aeroportul. Probabil că va trebui să găsim un alt mod de a ajunge în Siberia,"("The people that are looking for us are having the airport evacuated. We'll probably have to find another way to get to Siberia,") he explains. Your eyebrows raise and your eyes widen.

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