Neighbors: Part Four - J.B.B.

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°•° It's finally here! I apologize for taking so long to update. I have some other things in the works right now so maybe it won't take this long for the next update. As for this update, it's a long one. You have been warned. But the reason it's so long is because this is the last part of Neighbors! 😆 I hope y'all enjoy it and let me know what you think! Oh and if you get confused with this opening scene, I made revisions to the previous part that you may not have seen. If you want a better idea of how this is starting out, you might want to reread the ending of Neighbors: Part Three. It's not a significant plot change, however, so if you don't wanna go back and read the change, you should be fine. It doesn't effect the rest of the story line. 😊 Happy reading! °•°

Reader's P.O.V.


A soft voice brings you out of your sleep and you become aware of cold, smooth fingers moving your hair from your face with a gentleness that makes you want to continue dreaming. The faintest smile curls your lips and the voice speaks again.

"Y/n, trezește-te." ("Y/n, wake up.")

As the voice brings you closer to reality, your nose picks up the faint musk of a familiar man. You roll your head back and forth once across the back of the chair, stirring in your seat a bit, too. A quiet chuckle resounds from the source of the voice so hushed that you wouldn't hear it if you were any further away. A cold hand rests against your cheek, the thumb stroking it tenderly as if coaxing you to awaken. You almost listen to it.

"Haide, Y/n. E timpul sa te trezesti. Suntem aproape acolo." ("Come on, Y/n. It's time to wake up. We're almost there.") When it registers with your ears what the voice said, your eyes open fully to reveal Bucky crouched in front of you, his face close. Any trace of a smile has vanished from your lips and any ounce of contentment you felt has left you completely.

You sit up to give a dejected look to Bucky as he drops his hand. The small smile he wore straightens out to form a serious expression.

"Stiu," ("I know,") he says.

There are three quiet beeps and a shift in the movement of the quinjet that causes you and Bucky to look out the windshield to find Steve landing it onto a snowy mountain top. Snow flurries float and rush with the whipping wind outside and everything looks rather grey and dreary, including a great grey building covered in ice and snow in the middle of the mountain top. Once the quinjet is on the ground and powered off, Bucky lifts up his hand and strokes your hair once, standing up from his crouched position. You look up at him and give him a subtle pleading look before he walks behind you. You unbuckle your seatbelt to turn in your seat and watch silently as Bucky walks to the back of the quinjet, appearing perfectly calm. In the back of your mind, you take note of Steve getting his shield and putting his helmet back on to your left, but your sole focus is on Bucky. You know he won't allow you to go through this one. You're just trying to get a good, unobstructed view of him before he goes.

Your eyes are completely fixed on him as he pulls out a drawer of sorts that has a name printed on the front. The drawer reveals a few guns inside and he grabs one of the first ones. After he closes the compartment, he starts walking back to you. You stand before Steve comes up to you and puts a hand on your shoulder. You don't look to him until he starts speaking.

"Îmi pare rău pentru asta," ("I'm sorry about this,") he says with an apologetic look. "Dar am nevoie de el acolo cu mine." ("But I need him in there with me.") You nod in understanding then look back to Bucky as he approaches. He looks from you to Steve and Steve nods to Bucky. He gives Bucky a pat on the shoulder and a similar look that he gave you as he walks to the back of the quinjet to give both of you a moment alone. Bucky turns his attention back to you before walking closer to you. His eyes stay locked with yours, even as he sets his gun down on one of the seats, until he is close enough to pull you into a hug, which you readily return. You hold onto him tightly, finding comfort in this mere presence. He takes a deep breath in and you try to calm yourself, as well as shrug off this overwhelming feeling of helplessness and dread. He holds you for a few seconds longer before pulling away and looking you dead in the eyes.

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