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"Wakey, wakey, Roman Lee!"Roman groaned opening his eyes to see Kai standing in front of him

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"Wakey, wakey, Roman Lee!"
Roman groaned opening his eyes to see Kai standing in front of him.
"What the hell?"
Roman mumbled catching sight of Elena tied down next to him, he quickly realized that they were trapped in Mystic Falls high school.
"Have you really not cared about anyone?"
Elena asked Kai, giving Roman the impression she'd been held captive for quite a while.
"I guess I liked my brother, Joey. We played
Dr. Mario together and he'd always win. Actually, one of my favorite memories is when I finally beat him.
Of course, my favorite memory is when I finally beat him to death."
"Hey I remember that!"
Roman laughed as Kai grinned.
Elena gaped nudging Roman's shoulder.
"What? I was there."
"You don't have to waste your energy trying to change me. If Ricki Lake taught me anything, it's that liking yourself is the most important thing.
And I like me."
Kai grinned winking to the two.
"Don't we all know it Malakai."
Roman grinned seeing the man glare.
"Well Elena I'm guessing you haven't had a chance to rekindle with Roman."
Kai grinned sitting in front of the Salvatore.
"Turns out he and I were a power couple."
Kai chuckled darkly, using his magic to carve a 'K' into Roman's cheek.
Roman, instead of wincing in pain, smiled wickedly.
"I always did enjoy when you were rough Malakai."
Roman teased feeling the 'K' heal.
Kai walked out of the room letting Roman and Elena heave out a sigh of relief.
Suddenly their ropes disappeared making Roman gape.
"How are you here right now?"
Elena questioned.
Out of nowhere Damon and Josette had appeared, a cloaking spell had gotten them in Roman guessed.
Roman winked at the woman who glared back.
"Roman Lee."
"Help now hostility later."
Damon hissed quietly.
"Meters running on this spell."
"The tunnels, come on."
Roman lead the three through the high school.
Elena whispered.
The Salvatore turned to see Jo's nose bleeding.
With a sigh and an eye roll Roman went against his distaste for the woman.
"Come on, don't need you dying on us."
Roman sighed taking Jo in his arms as he walked through the school.

"You're still bleeding."
Roman sighed carefully setting Jo on the ground and kneeling in front of her.
He ripped part of his shirt handing it to her.
Jo took it carefully holding it to her nose as she tried to stop the bleeding.
"Magic is hard isn't it Jo?"
Kai smirked from the end of the hallway.
"I'm so sorry."
Jo cried her hands shaking.
"Hey, it's okay. Everything's okay."
Roman whispered taking her hands comfortingly.
The youngest twins head snapped to his brothers.
Damon gave a short nod to his brother and Roman quickly picked Jo back up and made his way to the exit.
"Not so fast angel."
Roman sighed sensing Kai in the door way behind them.
He placed Jo down softly, the woman barley conscious.
"You're not merging Kai."
Roman grinned at the now angered siphon.
Suddenly an arrow flew through Kai's shoulder making Roman's jaw drop.
He exclaimed.
Alaric ran up injecting him with something making the boy pass out, the Salvatore watched Kai fall to the ground unconscious.
Roman fought the urge to help him and simply watched as Alaric brought Jo into a hug.
Roman bit his lip looking to the ground as he made his way out of the classroom.
The vampire stopped at Jo's voice.
"Thank you."
Roman gave a soft nod making his way out of the high school.
Roman wrapped the doppelgänger in a tight hug.
"Roman how have I not seen you yet?"
Elena laughed pulling back from the hug.
"He's been busy with Enzo."
Damon teased his brother.
"Shut up Damon,"
Roman laughed.
"But speaking of Enzo I better be getting back to him."
Roman gave Elena another hug before heading home.

"You were gone far too long love."
Enzo attacked Roman with a kiss as soon as he entered his room.
"I agree whole heartedly."
Roman laughed yanking off his jacket.
"In my defense I didn't know you were going to get kidnapped."
Roman laughed brightly burying his head into Enzo's chest.
"All is forgiven love."
Roman kissed the bottom of Enzo's jawline.
"Wonderful, I don't think I could stand you being upset with me."
Enzo grinned.
"I could never be upset with you, not even for a moment."
Roman smiled kissing Enzo as he tugged at the mans shirt.
"I love you."
"I'd love you a lot more if you took your shirt off."

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