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"Do you feel well enough to travel? 'Cause the minute those anti-magic pills wear off, Alex will be able to track you again

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"Do you feel well enough to travel? 'Cause the minute those anti-magic pills wear off, Alex will be able to track you again."
Enzo sighed as Bonnie packed up her things.
"I feel fine. I don't feel sick at all. I don't understand any of this. And I can't believe this is happening."
Bonnie sighed pressing her hands to her forehead.
"Bon, you're going to be fine alright?"
Roman reassured the girl as she nodded.
"Do I have to open the door?"
Bonnie rolled her eyes as the vampires chuckled.
"He wants to help,"
Roman sighed glancing between the two others in the room.
"I think we all know we could use it right about now."
With a sigh Bonnie walked over to the door opening it slowly.
"I have a plan-"
"No. You don't talk to me. You talk to Roman or Enzo. If you have any ideas how to keep me from dying, I'm sure they will both be happy to hear them, but I don't want to hear one word from your mouth directed at me. You lost the right to my attention when you decided to leave without saying goodbye."
Damon's face fell as Bonnie turned to her friends.
"You're driving."
She grinned pointing at Roman.
Enzo chuckled picking up Bonnie's bag as he laced his fingers with his fiancé's and they followed the witch.

"You know, the odds of us getting through this without a single word being spoken-"
"Lots of words can be spoken. I just don't want him to speak any to me."
Bonnie cut Enzo off as Roman laughed.
Enzo chuckled as well, his hand resting on the Salvatore's thigh.
"I thought we got past the anger stage."
Roman teased looking back at Bonnie.
"We had. We were blissfully not angry because we had blissfully moved on from Damon and his selfish, narcissistic existence. But, when someone who you have erased from your mind has the audacity to show up at your door with flowers, and not even your favorite flowers, not even your favorite flowers, by the way-"
Roman laughed at that resulting in a slap on the head from Bonnie.
"Anger returns. Anger floods. I'm flooded."
Enzo laughed as well as their car came to a stop beside Damon's.
"Well this is quaint."
Damon sighed as Enzo grabbed Bonnie's bag walking into the cabin.
"We'll be safe here for a few hours. I've kept this place off the grid for years."
Enzo told him as they made their way in.
"Lonely, cramped, like a prison cell. I can see why you like it."
Damon grinned.
Roman glared harshly only stopping when Enzo placed a hand on his chest.
"It's fine love."
Enzo whispered grabbing Roman's hand and pulling him farther into the cabin.
"You know what? He's welcome to go back to his dusty old mansion miles away from here."
Bonnie smiled at the couple sparing a glare to Damon.
"And miss the chance to see this den of iniquity? No."
Damon grinned following the three in.
"Oh I like it. Cozy."
"All right, let's do this. Where are you hiding that pesky little huntress?"
Damon asked Roman and Enzo, the English man having captured Rayna not long ago.
Enzo rose an eyebrow at Roman asking if he wanted to go.
The Salvatore shook his head wanting to stay with Bonnie.
"Storm cellar. Follow me."
Enzo and Damon left the room as Roman looked around the cabin he'd been in for quite a while.
"You're not going to open it are you?"
Roman asked seeing Bonnie holding the letter Damon gave to her.
Bonnie merely shook her head sitting down on the couch.

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