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"I want to get married on a Sunday

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"I want to get married on a Sunday."
"Out of all the things you care about it's what day of the week we get married on?"
Roman asked with a laugh as Enzo hooked his fingers through the boy's belt loops pulling him close.
"After we get married we have a whole week to do whatever we want."
Enzo chuckled kissing the boy's jawline.
"Can we go to New Orleans?"
Roman questioned with a grin.
Enzo laughed wrapping his arms around the boy's waist, pulling him to straddle his lap.
"You and I are going to stay in the bed for seven days,"
Enzo smirked as Roman laughed.
"Really now?"
"Really Mr. St John."
Enzo grinned at his fiancé.
Roman hummed resting his hands on Enzo's shoulders.
"Sounds wonderful."
Roman kissed the mans cheek resting his head in the crook of Enzo's neck.
"I love you."
Roman whispered hoarsely against the vampires neck.
Enzo hummed resting his chin on top of Roman's head.
"I love you Lorenzo."
Roman whispered once again as Enzo closed his eyes in content.
Enzo slowly pulled back taking the boy's face in his hand.
"Roman Salvatore,"
Enzo took a deep breath staring into his blue eyes.
"Not a day has gone by that I haven't loved you. There has never been a day when I haven't wanted you in my arms, and never have I loved anyone ever so much."
Enzo stared at the boy with so much passion it made Roman's heart swell.
"Roman Salvatore, I love you and will do so until my heart is ripped from my chest. Let's get married."
Roman smiled as his eyes widened.
"Really, lets get married tomorrow."
Enzo smiled as Roman slammed their lips together.
Roman went to respond when his phone started buzzing.
"It's Damon,"
Roman stepped away from Enzo urgently hearing his twins shaking voice.
"He's in the Phoenix Stone."
With nothing but a wide eyed look to Enzo, Roman dropped his phone sprinting to the boarding house.

"What happened?"
Roman asked furiously wiping at a tear as he turned to Stefan and Caroline.
"Julian, Lily's lover, stabbed him with the sword."
Stefan mumbled angrily running a hand through his hair.
Roman bit his thumb turning to see his big brother on the ground.
"I'm sorry Roman, I really did like you."
Roman turned hearing Nora's voice.
The boy's breath caught in his throat as the sword went through his chest with ease, right by his heart.
"But I believe this is a family matter."
Nora smirked as the boy fell to the ground.
As Roman's eyes rolled back in his head there was only one though bouncing around before he was consumed by darkness.

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