Best Friend?

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"Y/N! Y/N, wake up!" No, I don't want to wake up. I'm having a nice dream about riding around on a dinosaur and then riding off into the sunset with a man, who I couldn't place, but was a blonde haired beauty. Yeah, cliche and weird, I know. I shuffle under my blankets a little more and am about to go back to sleep again when I am abruptly pulled out of my slumber when someone starts jumping on my bed. "Y/N, get your lazy ass up!" I hear Ben say, slapping me with my spare pillow.

"Okay, I'm awake!" I shout, sitting up and glaring at the culprit. Ben stares down at me, smiling his usual wide, happy smile. "Why the hell did you wake me up so early in the morning?" I try and say in my angry voice, but he just laughs, taking a seat on my bed. Why is it I can never intimidate him? He's been my best friend for at least six years and my flatmate for two years, I should know by now.

"Y/N, you know you can't intimidate me, I just find it adorable." I am not adorable. "Besides, it's 11 am, you should be up by now."

"Wrong. I should be sleeping until at least twelve!" But this only makes him laugh harder, so I hit him in the arm with my pillow. Pay back. "Shut up. You know I'm not a morning person. Now, are you going to tell me why you woke me up at such a ungodly hour of the morning?"

"So dramatic." He says under his breath in amusement. "I need your help auditioning for a film." Through the look of excitement in his eyes, I know that it's not just any audition. This must be something big.

"What kind of audition is this? What's the film?" I lean forward eagerly.

"It's for Bohemian Rhapsody."

"Wait, as in the upcoming biopic of Queen?" He nods and I let out a small squeal, engulfing him in a hug. "Please tell me you are auditioning for the role of Roger Taylor. You'd be perfect for that role." I lean back, holding him at arms length and look him in the eyes.

"Yes, I am, even though I have no idea how to play the drums." I roll my eyes.

"I'll teach you, of course. That's why you woke me up, isn't it?" He nods his head, making me laugh. "All is forgiven. Let's get to work."

"First, you need to brush your teeth. Your breath stinks." Just for that comment, I hit him again with my pillow.


Today's the day. Today is finally the day that we get to find out whether Ben got the role of Roger Taylor or not. I'm pacing around the kitchen table while Ben just sits there, staring at his phone, even though he should be the one doing the pacing, not me. I've been training Ben for weeks for this role and he picked up on everything fast and very well. I know he would have killed the audition.

His hopes would have also been put very high after IMDB and other sources have already said he's gotten the part, even though he himself hasn't heard a thing. This has happened before, when they said he got the part, but he actually didn't. I really hope that isn't the case in this situation, because I know he desperately wants this part, and I want it for him.

When Ben finally gets a call, I almost scream in fright. Man, that phone vibrated loudly against the bench. Ben quickly picks it up and answers the call.

"Hello, this is Ben speaking." He's so formal on the phone. He gives me a nod to let me know its them and he stands there, listening to whatever they're saying. I try and listen and watch Ben closely for any sign of good or bad news. "Thank you. Yes, I will. Bye." He says and hangs up and turns to look at me, not saying anything both verbally and with his expression.

"You're torturing me here." I finally say after a long moment of silence. "Did you get the part?" Please be yes, please be yes, please be yes."

"I got the part!"

"Oh-my-god!" I scream and jump into his arms, hugging the life out of him. That's my best friend. He deserves this role. "I can't believe this. Congratulations!" I let go of him to see his smiling face.

"Thank you, Y/N. I couldn't have pulled this off without you." Before I know what was happening, Ben pecks me on the lips before running away to his room. "I have to call my mum!" He shouts, but I remain standing there, frozen.

Did he just kiss me?

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