I'll find you, my love - Warren

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IMPORTANT A/N: So, this is taking place before you see his character on X-Men Apocalypse. It could be triggering to some. This will also be in two parts and the next part will be in a different writing style than normal as it will show both Y/N POV and Warren's POV. Thank you and enjoy :D

Date night again! Even though Warren and I see each other everyday, it's never just the two of us because our flatmates are always there, and I mean always. They're such cock blocks, I swear. So, we organised a date night. Being a girl who still finds it hard to control her ability to control the earth at times, and a man who has angel wings, it's hard to find places who would accept mutants like us, so to avoid scrutiny, we keep it simple, casual but still romantic as fuck.

I walk into our flat and stop short. Candles are lit and decorate our living room. There's no sound of war cries, breakages or laughter in the background, so Warren must have found a way to kick our flatmates out for the night. With a smile on my face, I close the door and put my keys on the table , my heart swelling at the effort he's put in for tonight.

"Y/N, is that you?" I hear Warren shout from in the living room.

"Yeah, it's me." I reply and he jogs out from the corner with a wide smile, coming up to give me a kiss. "What's all this? I thought we were going to the movies?"

"We can go to the movies anytime. I wanted to do something special for my girl." He brings me in by the waist and gives me a deep kiss, making my legs melt as I move into his arms, his wings wrapping around us securely. "Come on, our food will be getting cold." He quickly breaks away, grabbing my hand and pulls me further into the living room and before I could even ask, I see it. Our furniture is nowhere to be seen and instead in it's place is blankets spread out along the ground, with plates of the most beautifully presented food I have ever seen with a bottle of wine and two glasses placed beside it.

"Warren, I can't believe you did all this for me. You seriously didn't have to do all of this." I look up into his eyes and he looks back with the most love and adoration I have ever seen.

"But Y/N, I did. Because your worth it, and I love you."

"I love you too." I can't help it, I get tears in my eyes. Seriously, how did I become so lucky to get a guy like him?

"Let's eat." He guides me to the set up and I'm about to sit down when suddenly the door is kicked in and several armed men swarm in, shouting at us and causing some candles to go out, making the room go darker.

Before I could make sense on what was happening, Warren moves to stand in front of me, his wings spreading out like a barrier to try and protect me. But he soon falls to the ground, withering in pain as one of the men stands above him, electrocuting him. Anger and adrenaline courses through me. How dare they do that to my man! I let my senses fly out, searching for any and all earth particles that I could use against these men to shred them to pieces until I feel something cold clench around my neck.

I instantly lose all the comforting and familiar connections that I usually have with the earth, suddenly feeling empty and cold. What the hell is going on? Why can't I feel the earth? My safeguard? I don't feel like myself anymore.

"What I put on you sweetheart, is a simple device which causes you mutant freaks to become normal. Something which I personally think you should all wear." The man who was talking steps up, taking his mask off to reveal his cold eyes and sharp facial features. The man who put the collar on behind me forces my hands behind my back and brings me to my knees before I even had a chance to fight.

"Finally we have a chance to talk, Warren. Or is it Angel now?" The man without the mask shrugs before kicking Warren over when he was trying to get up, making me whimper slightly, feeling so helpless. How do we even fight this? We're surrounded and I don't even have my mutant abilities anymore.

"Sir?" The man from behind me speaks up, almost reluctantly. "Why don't we take Y/N? She does control the earth, after all. That would be kinda cool."

"Do you know how boring of a show that would be? There is no earth where we are taking her. No, we are sticking with Warren." What an idiot, there is earth everywhere. Deep under the roads and buildings. I could get to it if I didn't have this damn collar on.

"What the bloody hell do you want from him?" I ask in a hard but slightly shaky voice and the man behind me presses something cold against my head, something unmistakable. I immediately tense at the feeling of a gun barrel being pressed against my head and I close my eyes, wishing for all of this to just go away. It was supposed to be our date night. I open my tear filled eyes and look straight at Warren who also has a gun pointed at him, but he only has his eyes on me, worried at the events unfolding. We're gonna die. I don't want to die.

"Well, you see Y/N, we started this little 'fight club', as you would call it, putting mutants against mutants. We've been watching you guys for a while now and we think Warren would make a great fighter. He could win fight after fight, bring us a lot of money."

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Warren hatefully says to the man.

"Fine, then we'll take your girlfriend." The man behind me roughly pulls me to my feet, making me wince in pain, the gun still pressed against my head.

"No, Y/N!" Warren screams, trying to get up only to be punched down, his wings still twitching from the electricity.

"You can't do this. We have rights too!" Why the fuck would I say that? The men that surround us laugh.

"You? Have rights? You guys don't have any right. You're fucking mutants. An abomination is all you are. So, we'll do what we want, the way we want it. Even if it is purely for our entertainment." He turns to look at Warren. "For example, you have 24 hours to join us or we put a bullet in your pretty little girlfriend's head." They start pulling me out of the flat.

"Warren!" I scream as I struggle to escape, but the man has a firm grip.

"I'll find you, my love!" I feel a sharp pain to my head, before everything goes black.

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