Project Partners Part 2

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We did it. We have finally finished our presentation of Beauty and the Beast. It did only take us a little more than a minute, just as predicted, but we did get a few laughs and applause by the end of it. Ben and I smile at each other before looking back at the class and taking a bow.

"Nice work, Ben and Y/N." Our teacher applauds, coming onto the mini stage with us. "Now that's what I mean when I say 'don't just act, react.' Take a seat you two and we'll begin with our next couple."

Ben and I move to take our seats beside each other and Ben sits closer just so he could whisper to me; "Nice job partner." He holds out his hand and I try and give him a silent high five.

"Yeah, we make a great team." I smile at him and try not to blush with the smile he returns.

"We do." We try and turn our attention back to the performances, but all I can think about is the last week we have spent together.

He was always nice and not what I expected him to be. I thought he would be one of those 'bro' type of guys, but he doesn't seem to be like that around me. But the last couple of days, he keeps on giving me these mixed signals. One minute he'll be sitting so close to me that we'll either be almost touching or with our whole side touching, the next minute he is so distant, and not far enough away from me. He'd have a nice sweet tone in his voice one moment, where it's incredibly soothing and you just want to listen to him for hours, the next it would be cold and hard, warning you to stay away.

I don't really know what's going on with him, why he has all of these sudden mood swings. But I know what I want. Spending all of this time with him, learning how selfless he acts with other people, learning the different little things about him that make him him, it's made me want him. At times, I also thought he wanted me, but then again, there is the mixed signals. I just really want him to make his move because I'm kinda going crazy here.

The bell rings, making me jump in my seat and everyone gets up to leave. Ben and I stand up, but instead of moving towards the door, Ben turns to face me. He looks at me with a serious expression on his face and opens his mouth to say something. However, he hesitates. He stands there as I patiently wait for him, opening and closing his mouth before finally saying; "Well, see you next week" and he turns and walks out the door, leaving me standing there.

He was going to say something else, I know he was. Why didn't he just come out and say it? Actually, why am I waiting for him to say something? Why should I have to wait for him to make the first move? He may be popular and all the girls may love him, but he can sure be clueless when it comes to asking girls out. I'll just do it myself. Woman Up.

I strut out of the class room, determination in my strides and my head held high. I head towards Ben who is standing with his head against the locker in defeat.

"Ben!" I shout as I approach him, startling him and he turns to look at me. I walk up to him, grab him by the collar of his shirt and crash my lips against his in a rough kiss. He gasps in surprise, waiting for a second in which I start to panic, before he kisses me back, meeting my rough kiss. But I soon pull back, letting go of him.

"You, me, date, tomorrow night, 7 pm." I say, trying not to let on how breathless and dizzy I am.

"Yeah." He nods vigerously. "I'll pick you up then."

"Good. Great." I reply and start to walk away.

Holy shit, I can't believe it just did that, or that it worked.

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