Can you keep it down? - Roger Taylor

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I open the front door to see the deep frown of my neighbors face, her hands on her hips. Here we go, I swear this is her permanent mood. "Could you tell those guys to turn down that god-awful music?" She asks in a firm tone.

"But they're rehearsing for a gig coming up." I reply in an almost bored tone. "Besides, it's almost 2 pm, they should be able to rehearse during this time of day."

"I don't bloody care. I have friends coming over at three to have a nice relaxing evening and we can't have that with this playing in the background."

"Well, they could stop their rehearsal at three, before your friends arrive, that way you both are happy.

"No." She says, not budging. Wow, how can someone be so unreasonable? "Just tell them to turn that shit down."

I tilt my head slightly and study her for a second before I say without thinking; "You know, one day you may hear Queen music everywhere and they'll be one of the most famous bands out there, and you'll regret ever saying all of this."

"I highly doubt they'll get that far in life with this crappy music." With this comment it takes everything I have to try and not tell her to fuck off, and instead I slam the door in her face.

"Who was that?" Brian asks, coming up the stairs from the basement with the rest of the band and we all make our way to the kitchen. Roger comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, kissing me on the cheek which instantly makes me relax in his arms.

"Just our friendly neighbor." I say sarcastically.

"Should have known with the way you slammed the door. What did she want this time?"

"She wanted me to tell you, and I quote, 'to turn that shit down.'"

"So, we play louder?" Roger asks with a mischievous grin.

"You know it." I say, leaving Rogers arms to pick up an apple, taking a bite out of it and I start to walk away.

"Wait, sis. We might need your help with something." Brian says, making me stop and turn back around to face the boys, eye brows raised as if to say 'what is it?' "We just need your opinion for the chorus for Keep Yourself Alive. We just can't agree on anything."

"It does work, darling. There's nothing wrong with it." Freddie says defensively.

"Calm down Freddie. There's nothing wrong with getting another opinion." I nod in agreement and we all head down to the basement, Roger taking my hand and practically dragging me as he does so.

They all set up, and start playing and I immediately get hypnotized by their playing. They're good, but I already knew that, just like I know they'll make something of themselves one day, despite what others may say.

"So, what did you think?" Brian asks. "And give me your honest opinion."

"It was really good." I say honestly, and Freddie gives Brian an 'I told you so' look as I carry on talking. "The harmonies are spot on in the chorus and the power behind the vocals match perfectly with the instruments. I can't wait to listen to the live performance."

"Won't it sound the same, though?" John asks, and I shake my head.

"On stage and live can never compare. It always relies on talent more than anything." Just then, another pounding knock sounds at the front door, making Brian and I groan in annoyance."

"Why are you guys acting like that?" John asks. "Is it that neighbor again?"

"Most likely. Just ignore it Y/N." Brian says as I turn to head back up the stairs.

"If I don't answer it, then I won't get to tell her to fuck off and she won't leave us alone." They laugh and another loud knock sounds at the door.

"Shit, is she trying to break down the door?" Brian mumbles, and Roger speaks up before I could get much further up the stairs.

"Are you still on for our date tonight, Y/N?"

"Yep." I reply happily, making him smile wider.

"Don't bother getting dressed up either. You won't be wearing anything soon enough." I laugh and Brian makes a face at him.

"Dude, that's my sister."

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