Oh Deer

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Weird chapter, but I'm running low on ideas so deal with it ;3;


Dipper, for the past few days, has been keeping a close eye on Finn.

The red head hasn't been coming around as much as he used to, but he still came around every now and again.

It seemed as though he didn't tell anyone of Dippers outburst, not even Mabel.

Jeez, you'd think he would've told somebody...it would've made it fun for me to get rid of him, I guess he learned to keep his mouth shut.

Dipper thought to himself as he walked down the stairs, the house was fairly quiet today.

Mabel was hanging out with Finn and Pacifica, Bill went out shopping to get a few things, Ford was busy in the basement, and Stan...well he was Stan, lord doesn't even know what he does.

The brunet sighed, sitting up on the countertop in the kitchen, looking around for something to preoccupy him.

It was so boring for him to not be around Bill, without him there was literally nothing to satisfy him or keep him company.

He hopped back down, deciding to look through the kitchen out of pure boredom.

The small looked in the cupboards and fridge, finding absolutely nothing interesting.

So he went somewhere else to look around, because nobody was home.

He was just going to go to his own room to find something to do, but found himself stopping by Stans room.

The door was ajar, it was completely dark in there, even though it was the middle of day.

Dipper pushed the door open more, peeking in to find it was surprisingly cleaner than the last time he was in it from forever ago.

So he walked in carelessly, his hands in his pockets while his eyes dragged along the different things in the said room.

The brunet opened the closet to find a singular box sitting there, with lots of...weapons...in it.

The small hummed a quiet tune to himself as he sat down and dug through it.

There was multiple switchblades, a few brass knuckles, daggers, a pistol and throwing knives.

The throwing knives had Dippers attention the moment he set eyes on them, they were small, black and silver, maybe twelve of them with nice little handles, very professional, they looked like something from anime.

He took four and left the room, satisfied with his findings.

With the throwing knives, he left the house, wandering into the forest, still humming that tune. (He's humming 'high enough' by kflay, you guys should listen to it ;3)

When he walked for ten minutes he stopped in a rather small meadow.

The clearing had lots of flowers littering the ground, bees and dragonflies flew around peacefully, the bright sun high in the sky, but clouds were slowly gathering.

It was probably going to rain soon, maybe a storm was coming on, but the Pines boy was not too sure.

The small brown haired male stayed still, not making any movements as his eyes scanned the area, watching for something, anything.

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