Spankings <3

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I'm not dead, neither is this story, but work with me here guys, its been such a pain to try and think of where this book is really going, though I won't discontinue it, that's for sure.

But it may take awhile for each chapter to be posted since I always think I'm gonna have a great plot idea then erase it all because I don't think it fits well.

So have this chapter as my heartfelt apology for my absence.

- Sincerely, the author of dis book...


The brunet cuddled into the couch, watching the show that played on the tv, he woke up before Bill did, and was once again; bored.

So when the small got up, he had decided on just sitting in the living room and watching some shows because he hadn't for awhile.

"Pine Tree!" The small rolled his eyes and continued to watch tv, not letting anything distract him, he knew it wouldn't last long though when he heard his demon partner getting closer.

"Sweet cheeks!"







"My love?"



It was silent for a second before Bill appeared in the doorway.



"Why aren't you answering me?"

" 'Cause."

"Because why?"

"I'm watching tv?" The small smiled, pointing to Moana with his innocence showing.

"Should I bend you over my lap, and spank you?" The taller slightly frowned down at the brunet that sat lazily on the couch.



Dipper had perposefully let that slip from his mind as he sat up.

"Yes? Then stand up, underwear off." And he did, he stood up almost instantly at the same time he pulled the panties down enough until they fell to his ankles on their own.

"Yes, sir." Sir? Why did that give Bill the electricity feeling?

That feeling humans and demons talked about all the time, the way it shot right between his legs, it made him weak, a demon weak for his mate, now he knew why other demons made such a big deal about their mates.

The demon then sat down on the couch sliding his gloves off for what was about to happen as he told Dipper to lay over his lap.

To which the teen obliged and laid over the mans lap with anticipation eating away at him, of course he'd been waiting most of his life for a moment like this, for a time where he actually got laid over a lap and punished for his attitude.

Bill raised his hand with a smirk, letting the moment drag on so it'd be unexpected for his pet, a lovely surprise to say the least, just like the times he'd be debating which torture mechanism he'd be using each time in bed.

When he brought his hand down in a harsh movement the slap nearly echoed, not as much as the whine Dipper let out, a noise of approval and yearning.

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