Mystery Man

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It has been two weeks now that Bill has been around the house, he's still staying in Dippers room, and they didn't mind sharing spaces.

Much to Dipper and Bills surprise.

Every once in a while Bill would find Dipper snuggled up to him and legs wrapped around him like a koala on a tree when he woke up from a nights rest, leaving him to have to struggle out of the hold to go get an early breakfast.

While Dipper would tend to Bills injuries every day in the morning and before bedtime.

Dipper would even find Bill trying to pick at his injuries, but would stop him before any stitches broke.

"Bill I keep telling you to stop with that!" Speaking of which.

Dipper was sitting on top of Bill, trying to keep the formal demon from tearing off the bandage that covered his burn.

The burn was close to healing, but it was still blistered and a light shade of pink.

"I'm telling you! I am sure it is better by now Dipper!" Bill shouted back, accent a thing everyone had gotten used to, the demon was attempting to tug his hand back from the smalls grasp.

"Bullshit!" The brunet shouted back, keeping his weak hold onto the older male as much as he could.

"Agh!" Dipper yelped when the blackett flipped them over so he was on top.

The two sat there, staring at each other, Dipper seemed to get awkward and Bill stared at the other blankly.

The two burst out laughing, the taller was the first to let out a laugh, hands retreating from the Pines boy.

"What the hell." The two froze where they were when they heard Mabel walk in to their shared room.

"Heyy, Mabel..." Dipper sat up, shoving Bill off of him, the two males sat there awkwardly, not making eye contact with the others in the room.

"What are you guys doing?" The teen girl asked sheepishly.

"Nothing, nothing, he's just trying to take off his bandages." The twin brother responds, pointing his thumb at Bill.

"Yeah! Because they are healed by now!" The blackett sneered, giving a small glare to the brunet.

"No they're not, Bill! Let them heal." Dipper glared back, but ended up cracking a smile.

"Anyways, Ford said he's got a bed to put in here, so you guys don't have to share that small twin bed Dippers got." Dipper looked up at his sister questionably.

"He already got a bed?" Dipper asked, looking at Bill.

"Yeah, he said Stan got it from the mall at a low price, around sixty I think..." Mabel seemed to ponder this as she walked out of the room.

Dipper looked at his bed, seeing Bills pillow that he got at the mall, it was a normal pillow with a blue pillow case on it.

"Where the hell are they gonna fit the bed?" Bill spoke up, looking around the room with a raised brow.

"We could organize the room...?" Dipper said as he rises to his feet.

"Alright." Bill responded as he also stood up.

The two got some laundry baskets and a couple boxes to put other stuff in.

Dipper picked up the laundry while Bill put the useless things into the boxes.

Awhile later Bill had to go through the drawer since they were going to move it into the closet so that there was enough space for the bed to fit in the room.

As the demon was going through the drawers he came to the bottom one and opened it up, taking clothes out and putting in a pile for the brunet to grab.

The blackett grabbed a black sweater and pulled it out to add to the pile, but noticed a small paper fall out of the pocket.

Curious of what it might be he picked it up and examined the back of the paper.

It read; "4:45pm, Saturday, September 22, 2016"

Bill flipped it over to see a photo of the young twins and an older teen.

The said demon stared at the older one first, taking in the features of him.

The teen was a blonde male, taller than the young twins, he had brown eyes and very pale skin with no freckles, his arm was wrapped around Dippers waist as he smirked at the camera.

There was something about him that made Bill not like him, and the demon couldn't place his finger on it.

Dipper in the picture seemed a little nervous and shy, but leaned into the other males arm, in the picture he smiled, yet something wasn't right about it at all.

And then there was Mabel, she cheerfully smiled at the camera, arm raised like she was waving, her hair was done up in a ponytail unlike now.

The Mabel now had cut her hair, it only went down to her shoulders and wasn't any longer than that.

Bill heard footsteps coming so he shoved the picture into his pocket and closed the drawer, putting the sweater into the pile.

"Hey, Bill, I just came to grab more clothes." Dipper gave a smile while putting the clothes into the now empty basket.

"Alright, I'm pretty much done with the clothes now, so I'll take the drawer into the closet." The taller male smiled and stood up to his feet, taking the box and put it out in the hallway.

"Oh, uhm, alright, you do that, I'll be downstairs for a second, then I will come right back."

The blackett nodded and started to push the drawer cabinet into the closet, the closet was already cleaned earlier, so he didn't have to worry about things getting stuck behind the cabinet.

It didn't take him long to push the drawer in, so when he was done he went and sat on Dippers bed.

Soon enough the brunet came back in with a small smile.

"Hey." Dipper gave a short wave and sat beside the demon.

"Hey, Pine Tree." Bill smiled back, sweat running down his temple from all the hard work.

"Well, now I can tell Stan and Ford that they can move the bed in here." Dipper said with a hint of disappointment, but tried to hide it.

"Yeah, but don't worry, at least I'll still be staying in here." The older male gave a shrug and a smirk.

"Yeah." The small nodded, hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Alright, well I can tell Stan to get the bed, you just stay in here, okay?" Bill stood up and looked down at the younger teen.

The said boy gave a curt nod, staying in his spot almost obediently.

"Okay..." With that the demon marched out of the room, leaving the brunet in silence.

Dipper looked around the room, hands fiddling together.

The brunet wouldn't admit it but he liked the other male staying in his bed, he was warm and didn't move much.

That's why he liked to cuddle him when he was sleeping, but sometimes he fell asleep cuddling and would be awoken from Bills struggle to get away.

It was funny, and woke him up early, which was a good thing since he needed to start waking up early too.

Later when the new bed was in the room he decided to go and watch some movies downstairs, since he hasn't watched movies downstairs other than watching them in his room.

Bill had joined him, they sat beside each other, and picked a movie to watch with Mabel, she wanted to spend a little time with them since she had been spending more time with her friends than her family.

But the whole time Bill was distracted from the movie by the thought of the picture in his pocket.

Who was the other male that set his danger senses off the chart?

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