What Happened

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Dipper twiddled his fingers nervously as he and the demon walked towards the shack, his face was ablaze.

He was gone for a week and two days, what the hell were his family going to think?

"Don't worry, sweet cheeks, I'm sure everything is going to be okay." Bill assured, placing a kiss on the boys head, his hand slipped into the smaller males hand as they walked.

"You know my family, they freak out all the time, even if it's just a change in my personality, my sense of style is going to be the same ordeal." The small mumbled, tugging his sleeves further down to cover up his knuckles.

"Hey, it's okay, calm down, just take deep breaths." The demon soothed, stopping the both of them to turn to the brunet.

"I'm sorry...uhm...it's just my family is known for being overprotective, I'm just worried." Dipper sighed, leaning his head down on his lovers chest, the tall hugged the teen around the shoulders, which helped the said boy calm down.

"I know, but we'll have some excuse to tell them." Bill shrugged lightly, waving one hand dismissively.

"I hope you're right." The smaller said quietly, reaching a hand up to cup the mans face.

The black haired male purred while closing his eyes and leaning into the touch, his skin getting hot, Dipper grinned a little, his thumb running along the others cheek.

"Stop it or I'll take you right here, right now."

"So—sorry." The brunet sweat dropped, taking his hand back to smile weakly with a dark crimson blush.

"I'm not kidding, I would ha—"

"I know."

They continued walking, the demon grumbling to himself quietly, muttering complaints.

"Someone's horny." Dipper giggled, but stopped short when Bill growled and pulled him close.

"I'm tempted to take you right now." The raven muttered into his ear.

"Ah ah ah, you can't, we're here." The small smirked, turning so that he faced the demon.

And he was right, stood behind him was the shack, though it shockingly seemed quiet with no tourists around.

"You get a bigger punishment for teasing me when we get to the mansion." The man gritted out passed his own smirk.

"I'm fine with that..." Dipper smiled almost innocently, almost.

With that the two went right over to the front, entering casually.

"We're home!" Dipper called, waiting patiently for someone to answer.

Suddenly footsteps were heard from upstairs, loud stomping making their way down the stairs.

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU TWO IDIOTS?!" Mabel yelled loudly as she came running down the stairs, her hair a big mess.

"Uhh...out?" Dipper shrugged, not daring to make eye contact.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You were gone for a week! More than a week!" The female twin threw her hands up into the air, tear stains evident on her face.

"Yeah, we know, it's just...-" Dipper was cut of by his lover.

"I might have taken him back out to Cal for a while and we just stayed out there, I wanted to make him happy." Bill cut in, standing protectively in front of his small partner with a small scowl.

Mabel backed up, hands rising up in defensiveness.

"Jeez, sorry." Mabel sweat, looking over to her twin brother with a raised brow.

Dipper just shrugged with a small smile, he placed a hand down on the taller males shoulder, making Bill instantly settle down enough to turn to him.

"It's alright." Dipper mouthed, taking hold of the demons hand.

The eldest sighed, but nodded, taking deep breaths to calm himself.

"So...you guys seriously went out to Cal?" Mabel asked, looking between the two with slight confusion.

"Yeah, it wasn't my idea, Bill just thought it would be a great idea." The brunet scratched the back of his head, feeling nervous.

"You look different." The female states, scanning Dipper up and down.

The smallest of the three froze, tugging at his sleeves once again, biting his lip.

"I brought him shopping." The tallest blurted out, crossing his arms over his chest.

"But this," the older twin gestured to the other, "isn't really his style."

"I was mostly picking all his clothes." The blackett shrugged, scratching the stubble on his chin that had been growing.

He needed to shave.

"Oh, makes sense." The brunette sighed, but she still crossed her arms disapprovingly.

"Why didnt you guys call at all? At least tell me where you are! We've been worried sick about you two!" The female twin frowned.

"We would have but Bill got caught up with his family- not to mention I was introduced and they were just all over me at the time.." All Dippers twin could do was nod in understanding and brush off any suspicion.

She trusted her brother, so she would listen to what he had to say.

"Anyways, where's the old guys?" The tallest asked, following close behind Dipper.

While the small looked through the fridge, the demon took a seat at the table, sweat dripping down his temple, Bill wiped it away.

Trying once more to focus, he was able to when the brunet sat down on his lap.

"Oh, Stan and Ford went around to look for you two." Mabel smiled, fishing out her cell to call the said uncles.

"They're looking for us?" Dipper questioned, sipping a glass of juice.

"Yeah, they're seriously freaking out- oh, hey grunkle Ford, Dippers home." That's all she said then hung up.

"Oh..." The brunet sighed, looking up at his lover with concern.

Dipper thought about staying but Bill shook his head, and knowing that was going to be the only answer the small sighed and nodded.

"We're just going to be in his room." Bill stood with the small, carrying him bridal style.

"Kay, grunkle Ford and Stan should be home any minute now." Mabel informed with a small smile, shooing the two away.

With that the demon brought the smaller to their shared room in silence.

When they entered the room Bill finally spoke up.

"I can't stay here while I'm in heat." The raven haired male sighed, putting his lover down on the bed.

"I know- I'm sorry, Master." Dipper muttered out in a small tone.

"And I'm sorry we can't stay, but it's not like I'm asking you to move away with me, it's only a temporary thing." Again, the small nodded, using the grabby hands motion for Bill to lay down with him.

The demon smiled and laid beside the human, wrapping his arms around his lover.

They stayed quiet as they waited for the grunkles to return, for now just holding each other.

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