He's Been Hurt

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Dipper wondered around the gift shop, making sure to keep his eyes open for any customers at the register.

But what he didn't know was the conversation happening just outside the house.


"His name was Ethan, Ethan Thorn." Mabel let out, finally looking up at Bill.

"He was Dippers boyfriend back then, and Dipper loved him unconditionally, and so did Ethan.

It started out like any other relationship.

They were friends in class, and they started hanging out together more often. On weekdays they would walk the hallways of school without a problem, on weekends they hung out at Ethan's, and whatever happened at Ethan's Dipper never told us.

A few months into their friendship Ethan asked Dipper out all of the sudden, and from there Dipper changed.

He never came home on weekends, showed up late on weekdays, and stopped talking to us.

When he did come home he was exhausted, tired, and...hurt.

You would have been able to tell he was hurt, not completely mentally, not very much emotionally, but more physically.

He would come back with bruises, cuts, tears, and...with blood." Mabel paused to blink back tears.

"He never told us about what happened when he came home, no matter how many times we asked

So we let him keep going back, if we didn't he would sneak out anyway, or never come back from school, he didn't let me walk with him, if I tried he would become mad.

I just let him go, oh how I hope that I never did though...

Because one day, he never came home, he didn't leave a message or a note.

He just disappeared...

We searched for him, called endless times...left voicemails.

It took us two weeks to find him.

He was found in a cave twenty miles into the forest.

When we found him he was beaten, unconscious, and covered in blood.

In the cave with him was whips, knives, and cigarette butts.

But it wasn't us who had found him, it was the multi-bear, when we thanked him he had said he smelled the blood from a couple miles away before he had found Dipper in there.

Multi-bear said that he also smelt...sex...on Dipper.

We brought Dipper to the hospital and waited, he didn't wake up until a week later.

And he never told us what happened.

Half a year later he told me about what happened to him, and I wish I had never heard it.

You can't push Dippers limit, okay?"

Bill stared off into the distance, blank face, it took a couple minutes before he looked up at Mabel with a fire burning in the pit of his stomach and a face full of anger.

"Do you know where this Ethan Thorn is now?" Questioned the demon, trying to keep himself calm.

He knew what happened to Dipper, it clicked in place when Mabel said something about the whips, and the sex smell that multi-bear had found on Dipper.

He knew.

He knew that Dipper had been hurt.

That Dipper had been raped.

And god did it make his blood boil.

"Well, yeah, but why are you asking?" The female twin asked, going back to eating her food, even though she had lost her appetite when she had the memories of back then.

"I just need to know..." Bill seethed, hands clenching so hard that his knuckles turned white and his veins popped out.

"Well, I'll tell you this; he still lives in Gravity Falls." And that was all Bill needed to know before he stood up walked into the forest without a word being said.

Love Me, Hurt Me (BillDip)Where stories live. Discover now