Chapter 14 - BANG

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After period 3 Charlie came towards me I didn't know what she was going to do and then BANG in the face she had hit me.

I woke up on the floor people laughing at me Charlie and Maddie stood there laughing. I tried to get up but I couldn't and then I had them both kicking me and more and more people joined in I was felt my self getting punched and kicked and pulled around. Know one seemed to be helping me. I had blood gushing down my head I couldn't feel my legs and my vision had gone. What was happening? Was I slowly dying?

I woke up but I didn't know where I was I tried to sit up but someone forced me back down.

"You need to rest" someone whispers in my ear.

I opened my eyes enough to see where I was and I couldn't believe it. I was at the hospital and it was my mum beside me.

Megan had come in to see me and she had more news for me. More lies Maddie had been saying. Even worse ones.. She had been telling people I never liked them she told them I acted there friends for popularity and to look good in front of people. She told them all this shitty stuff I had apparently said behind their backs.

"She told Paige you had called her fat and she's the size of a whale". She said calmly.

"She told Ryan you never liked him you only pretended to like him and be close with him for sex because you were desperate to lose your virginty at 13". She then added.

I couldn't believe it all these lies going round school I couldn't face any of them anymore.

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