kay so there's this girl...

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I've been seeing this girl around my school. I've never talked to her. I don't even know if she knows who I am. But for some reason I always look forward to seeing her whenever I pass by her. We don't share any classes, but the way my schedule is I always pass by her class. 

It's kind of weird to explain. I don't have a crush(I don't think). I don't get butterflies when I see her, but I always strive to see her and/or to have her notice me and I'm very confused.

I've been having dreams about her(nothing gross lmao). It's basically the same thing as in real life: I just want to see her or to have more opportunities to be around her.

Keep in mind, I've never dreamed about any girl or guy I've been interested in. This was a first.

I haven't told my friends anything because how would I lmao? "Yeah theres this girl. I don't her name and I've never talked to her. I don't like her, but I always see her around and am interested to know who she is."

She's kind of bland, too. What I mean is that there isn't an aspect about her that is special or noticeable. She has an average face and normal hair. She wears the same jacket everyday, so there isn't any explanation as to why I would ever notice her. whICH IS WHY I'M SO CONFUSED

She's in art club with me though. At least, I think she is. She showed up to only one meeting, but I'm hoping she just had something to do. 

What's evEN MORE WEIRD Is that she's in a grade lower than me. I'd never think about someone in a different grade, higher or lower. (Especially lower because they're so obnoxious.)

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