Unpublished: Sorry For the Break in Poems, This Bitch Pissed Me Off

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I just wanted a friend. I was lonely so I opened myself and asked for a friend. You took advantage with your age and status and twisted both my words and yours to ruin the two good things I had in my life. A true hypocrite, through and through. You can have her and I have him, but you should really move on, and I would encourage you to do that but you've got no where to go. A 'self-published' author and a self proclaimed model, of the modeling kind and the role. Have fun rearranging words in poems we've all read a hundred times and calling them your own,
From: someone who is letting go of the hurt you caused

Thank you,
For teaching me that an ugly inside can ruin an pretty outside in a heartbeat

-P.S. I would love to let you know how I feel right now, but I don't fancy having my private thoughts broadcasted (again)

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