3 hatred 1 love

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Chapter 1- The Walk

It was a late afternoon when I got home from school. I finished all of my homework and when I was done I kind of just was hanging around my house until my best friend Shawn asked me if I wanted to go for a walk with him. Shawn lived a street away from me so I told him I would meet him halfway. I got my jacket and shoes on, texted him I would be there soon. He texted me saying he was already there. When I got there I saw him sitting on the bench that was across the street. He got up and walked over to me. We started to walk, Shawn usually leads the walks I just follow him. It’s somewhere new each time we go on a walk. He either bring us to a park or some pizza place or something like along the line of that. He usually tells me where we are going but this time he refused to tell me.

He brought us to the woods and started to push through the branches he looked at me and said “come on.” I looked at him and he waved to me like come on lets go. I walked into the woods and pushed the branches out of the way. We were in empty space (when I mean empty I mean there was tree around us and there were leaves on the ground but it was just easy to get through. There was no watching your steps because there was nothing to trip over anything.) Shawn was walking and stepping on  branches I followed and asked what was going on but he ignored my question. Things started to get weird. After he stepped on that last branch, as we continued to walk in these woods the weirder it got. Things were disappearing and when I mean disappear I mean everything around us would turn into a big white space. I stopped and turned around, it was nothing but a white hole. “Shawn, What’s going on? Are we lost?” I asked him I was getting worried, once again Shawn ignored my question and told me to keep walking and he’ll explain when we got there. Shawn can be... annoying sometimes. I never liked when he ignored my question it just bugged me. He’s my best friend and all but this is really freaking me out and I just want to know what’s going on, it’s just annoying. Shawn has been my best friend since I was young. He’s helped me out with a lot of things and made me laugh when I didn’t want to, and I’ve done the same with him. I’ve help him with all of his girl/ girlfriend problems and gave him advice when he needed it. Even some people believe that we are going to go out one day but that will never happen, we have a really good friendship and honestly I just not want to break it. There time when we both can be really annoying and one of the things that annoy me is when he is secretive, bugging me all the time and when he is really hyper which is most of the time because he drinks a lot of monsters and energy drinks, he also eats a ton of candy.  Right now what is annoying me is how it he’s just being so secretive. I like to know what is going on and I have so many question right now and he doesn’t even care, I just get the I’ll explain it to you later. I just want to know Why everything is disappearing into a white hole or whatever it is? What does this even mean? Are we lost? How we are going to get home? Why is he so secretive? It’s a lot of question but it would be nice to know what is going on especially since we are in the woods and things are disappearing into thin air after we leave it. Shawn stopped and looked at me, maybe he was going to tell me what is going on now. He then said “I know you are confused but you need to know something.” I thought to myself finally answers then he continued to say “There is things you can know but things you can’t know until after, but for now no question. What I tell you might sound odd but there is no turning back now. We are about to enter your future, the only thing is what you’ll see in here never really happened but in a way it expresses something. I will tell you more later, but are you ready?” I looked back at the white emptiness since there was no going back, might as well go and back at Shawn and said “I guess.” Shawn looked at me and nodded.

We both took our last step in the real world, everything got bright for a few minutes then went back to normal. I looked around there were no tree or grass not even animals. All there was, was streets it looked like a big loop. I shook my head and said to Shawn “This is ridiculous. Why are we even here?” Shawn snapped his head over to me and said “I told you no question. Now follow me.” I raised my eyebrows well then I thought. Shawn headed for the longest street and started to walk down it, I followed him. Shawn was trying to explain thing, I honestly wasn’t listening, he was doing such a horrible job at it, because he couldn’t tell me anything until later which just made it hard to understand. The only thing going around in my head is why are we doing this? I don’t really care about my “future” that’s not even going to happen like am I suppose to learn something from this? Right now I think this is so pointless. All we are doing is just walking down a never ending street, well at least that what it feels like. Only interesting thing on this road was there were signs that told you where to go. I wonder where they would take you. Shawn didn’t seem care about the sign because he completely ignored them. “Am i aloud to ask a question about these signs?” I asked Shawn. Shawn threw his hand up and told me to be quiet and just continue to walk that we will be turning soon.

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