Chapter 2- Tyler

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Tyler...Okay so Tyler was my first boyfriend. Probably one that shouldn’t have last as long. We dated for 8 months and well those eight months were the worst eight months ever. He was such a bad boyfriend it was unbelieveable. He honestly didn’t know how to treat a girl. He was such a jerk. Everything between us was perfectly fine for the first two months but then it went all downhill from there. I won’t blame everything on him because some of it was me too. There was a lot of fighting after three months hit and we were out of school and on summer vacation we had our first fight on something stupid. After that first fight we had a fight at least every 2 weeks by 4 months the fights became every other week. One week we would be nice to each other the next week we would fight and ignore each other. 5 months we fought almost everyday. 6th and 7th month we fought everyday then we just hit our 8 months and I called it off. I didn’t break up with him because of the fighting. I will get to that later.

Not only was there fighting but there wasn’t a lot of trust in the relationship. Tyler didn’t want me talking to other guys because he didn’t want me to flirt and start to like them. First of all I don’t flirt when I’m in a relationship I literally talked to two guys out of the eight months we were together. It wasn’t okay for me to talk to other guys but it was okay for him to talk to other girls (more than 2) and flirt with them right in front of my face. According to him it wasn’t flirting but I talked to other people to show him that other people would say oh yeah he flirts with a lot of girls. Another reason why I didn’t trust him all that much is because he sent hearts to other girls, That got me mad because he was like oh its no big deal and I used to say oh so its okay for me to send so and so a heart because its "no big deal" and he said that’s not okay. Like what!? It was unfair he could do whatever he wanted and talk to who ever he wanted but I couldn’t do what I wanted? He told me not to talk to this guy and I told him screw you I’m doing what I want seen you do what  you want and plus not once did I ever tell him who to talk to and who not to talk too.

Okay so lets see Fighting everyday, unfairness, no trust, oh and one of my favorite ones. Telling me what I will do. So one day I was going to hang out with Tyler at his house and my sister was working that day I was going over. Tyler’s mom was picking me up in the morning and Tyler wanted her to drive me home so we could spend more time together but my sister was only a few minutes away and I thought it would be a good idea if she just brought me up but no that wasn’t good enough for Tyler his exact words were “No, My mom will pick you up at 2 and drop you off.” That got me so angry I literally told him I didn’t want to hang out with him and I stopped talking to him for the night. That got him mad he hated when I didn’t respond to him I literally didn’t care. So the next day I wake up and I see a “I’m sorry can we still hang out” I really didn’t want to see him but I said fine because he would have held it against me until I did. I hung out with him for like not even 2 hours then my sister came and picked me up. “I wish you could have stayed longer.” Yeah okay.

He also had no respect for me and my family. Tyler and his mom used to talk crap about my family with me in the car and I didn’t speak up because if I did I would have flipped out so hard it would have been bad. Tyler always said stupid shit about them around me and I used to yell at him for it because I never talked about how rude his mother could be. Tyler let his friends talk shit about me and call me names and he would go along with it. There was no respect his friends used to take his phone and pretend to be him and start a fight with me or they say really mean things and Tyler did nothing he just say don’t say that with like no emotion to it. I couldn’t stand his asshole friends.

Okay so heres how we broke up in the beginning of our relationship I had Tyler get this app called shot you can send pictures to each other but it went away after you send it and they opened it. Tyler promised me he would never send a shot to another girl and I didn’t care if he sent  photos to other girls like whatever but I wanted to see how long this would last. Surprisingly he never add any other girl on it (I found that crazy.) Anyways It was the night before we broke up I was with my friends and I was sending shots to Tyler and both my friends add him on it. I didn’t care it gave me a way to see if he would break his promise. So after I left Tyler texted me saying that both my friends added him and I asked if he was going to send shots back and he said no I promised you I wouldn’t send shot to other girls. I was like okay. So that night he was being really weird and was giving me one word answers. He k’ed me and I was like goodbye. I hate being k’ed. So I went to bed and had a dream that Tyler lied to me about shots. I woke up and I went on shots and saw that my friends were his best friends. He did lie to me and he broke the promise. So I was up all night I couldn’t sleep after that. So I go to school the next day and I was playing on Tylers phone and I went on shot and he ripped the phone out of my hand. Me being an asshole was like “are you hiding something?” he was like no my shots aren't working so there no need to go on it. he lied again. I played along with it and then at the end of the day. I was standing with him and I was like so did you send any shots to my friends? he said no. Then my friends came over and was talking about how he was sending shots of his wall whatever else they said. I stood up looked at him and walked away. Usually when people do that they follow after but he didn’t. I was going to break up with him. I was done with him. I went back to where he was and he was gone. So I texted him and we fought and I told him I was breaking up with him.

Before we were in a relationship we were really good friends and for some reason we both tried to be friends but it just didn’t work. He went after one of my best friends and tried to rub it in my face so I would be jealous but I didn’t care. I got sick of it and told him to stop trying to be cool and rubbing in my face that you can hang out with another girl or don’t talk to me and he stopped talking to me. Then he went around telling people I cheated on him and in reality he probably cheated on me. So I had to explain to people that I would never cheat. Oh yeah then he went out with my best friend and tried to ruin our friendship but I didn’t let that happen. So thats my little short story of Tyler and how our relationship went.

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