Chapter 6- John

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Chapter 6- John

John, the difference between Tyler and Alex is he didn’t want to be in a relationship with me, but he flirted a lot with me. It didn’t matter if he had a girlfriend or not he just flirted all the time and it was just crazy. Before Tyler and I broke up, John started to talk to me, and that was the most he flirted with me. He liked all of my photos, always talked to me whether it was on skype or a phone call. We would stay up all night talking, he would call me pretty and Tyler hated it but that didn’t stop me from talking to him because John was actually kinda cool. Eventually he became my best friend. John was there when Tyler and I broke up, he was actually the reason why we broke up. Not because I like John because I didn’t like him, he was only my friend but because I told him what happened between Tyler and I. John told me I shouldn’t have to deal with this and it was time to break up with him because I had no more feeling for him and I listened. After Tyler and I broke up, everyone thought that John and I were going to go out, it just wasn’t going to happen. He was just my friend and thats it.

I hung out with John a lot and because he was friends with Alex, it made me talk to Alex and that how we started to talk. Eventually, John became friends with Cece because I mean me and this kid where like always together and Cece was with me most of the time too. So Cece and John became best friends too. We were all really close and at this time I had a “thing” with Alex. John and Alex are best friends too. But mostly it was John, Cece and I after school hanging out when I wasn’t with Shawn because he was with his friends.

John and his girlfriend broke up, I was there for him because he was sad and I was being nice so I sent him long paragraphs talking about how he was a good person and he will be okay. You know all the stuff to make someone feel good about themselves when they need it, but I honestly think he thought I liked him after that. All I was doing was being nice and well he must have felt weird about it because he was very distance to me and put a lot of his attention to Cece. He was calling her his best friend and just giving me looks. I mean I wasn’t jealous but what? I was there for him and trying to make him smile but clearly that didn’t work whatever. John was just being really mean. When we talked all he talked about was Cece.  Honestly you can tell when John likes someone, because all he does is talk about them and thats all he did was talk about Cece. Only good thing was that Cece liked John back too.

Then we had a dance and Alex asked me and I said yes, so John and Cece were going to go together. Alex bailed on me because I won’t date him but Cece was still going with John. Literally last moment John told Cece he got grounded so he couldn’t go to the dance. Cece shook it off and was like alright whatever.  Now I find out for someone that John and Alex was together at his house. So he lied to Cece to hang out with John. I told Cece and she was pissed about it. She wouldn’t talk to John and he well  he stopped talking to the both of us.

Then there was one time when he started to talk to us again, and of course he came to me first because he must of knew if he talked to me first, Cece would talk to him too. Both John and Alex used Cece and I to get to us. It was just odd talking to John again and he was just very creepy this time. He asked weird questions to Cece, which obviously made her uncomfortable and she ran to me. This time we stopped talking to him because he was acting a way that we didn’t like but he didn’t seem to care because he didn’t try to make a conversation with us. So that was the end of that. Until next time.  

Every time John came back to be friends with us he would talk to you for a few weeks depending if he liked a girl or not. He was not the same best friend that Cece and I once had. Where he would always talk to us but only for a few minutes. We would walk around the school until he had to go to his practice he push us around and act like we did before. Of course Cece would fall for him again because he was like all over her and it made it seem like he wanted it to happen. We be friends again and then he would just stop talking to us, like normal and there was no honest reason why he would stop talking to us. It was like he was sick of us or something. It is just annoying.   

He kinda acted like Alex but he didn’t. Their differences was that Alex always came back asking for another chance but with John he wouldn’t talking to me for 2 months and then come back and act as if nothing had happened and we never stopped talking. He would act if we were best friends again, and then just stop talking to me again or he would randomly would call me and keep me on the phone for hours with him. It was like I was only there to entertain him. It also seems to be whenever he has a thing with a girl, he just stops talking to you and become very distance. He’s done this to both me and Cece a lot of times, it just gets to the point where you either talk to us and be friends with us and don’t leave or just leave and stop acting like we are still friends. It’s all very confusing. Like boys just need to make up their minds and stick to it. He obviously wasn’t the first guy to do this to us but still. if you were in our spots you’d probably get sick of him too. That’s John for ya.

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