The Violin

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Dear journal,

  Today I woke up at exactly seven thirty as i do everyday, I made my bed twice, brushed my teeth three times and combed my hair twice. Same as any morning. I made my way down stairs remembering to start with my right foot and to skip the last step. I made my way into the kitchen and turned the lights on and off, on and off, on and off three times. I poured my usual cereal into the same bowl. Exactly fifty pieces. Poured two cups of milk and ate peacefully. Mother came into the kitchen ruffling my hair and passing me four colored pills. Two blue and two green.

It was a bit colder today on the way to school. The leaves on the trees appear to be converting into blazing colors of red and intense tones of orange. All the greens look like they are being reborn into yellowish tones. Makes me think that both summer and winter wants its presence but both are struggling to take over with the aggressive opponent. I guess it's what to be expected near the ends of November.

Today as i walked into my first class, i found Justin already sitting in the desk in front of me. He wore a red muscle shirt so you could see the bulk and definition of muscle in his arms. His eye brow looked to have healed allot over night with only a slight purple bruise over top. His hair was neatly placed this time, light curls could be seen. He still wore ripped jeans and dirty shoes but it drove my ocd a bit less crazy. He scribbled something in a note book, lost in a trance he was totally unaware of my presence. I sat down behind him.

What could he be doing? Curiosity struck. I quietly leaned over my desk and over his shoulder careful not to make a sound. He smelled like chocolate and mint. Slightly odd. I glanced at his note book. Were those music notes? I took a closer look only to confirm my assumption. They were in fact music notes, neatly drawn on a treble clef. I analyzed the piece. It wasn't for piano that's for sure, for some instrument that only played in treble and was tuned in concert. I played the notes mentally in my head. Canon in d. Only a variation of it i had never heard before. Which made me curious. Did he write it? I never pictured Justin to be the type that was that into music. I always pictured him as the type riding motorcycles, wearing leather jackets. The loner that was to cool for everyone else. You know typical bad boy. Then again even though his looks would agree, he had surprised me up till now. 

A sudden jump from him made me stumble back into my seat. Realizing that i saw what he was doing he quickly slammed his note book shut.

I could feel my face turn red. 'S-sorry. I didn't mean to intrude, i was just curious."

His face softened and his lips curled up wards. "It's cool you just startled me that all. Did you like what you saw?"

I relaxed a bit. "Yes, it was a variation of Canon in D. Very well developed, did you make it yourself?"

His simile grew. "Why thank you, Yeah it's something i wrote, I have had a love for music since i was little, writing pieces is something i take pride in."

"I can relate to that, iv'e been playing piano since i was little, Canon is my favourite piece by far. Um...What instrument is it for?"

"Swing by the band room today at lunch and i'll play it for you. That is if you want to know what instrument." The teasing in his voice was obvious.

My stomach churned. I always ate in the library, always. I wanted to hear him play this secret instrument but i couldn't break the schedule. It's never been done before. I couldn't star now.

I'll just turn down the offer. I'll say I'm busy.

He awaited my response.

"I'll be there." My mouth moved on it's own.

Slight panic filled my chest. The walls were suddenly closing in on me again.

Breathe Alister Breathe.

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