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James felt a sharp pain vibrate up his shoulder when he was shoved out of the way as a solider dragged his brother Michael out of his house. James's Mother was crying and screaming as she watched her son disappear into the night. James put his arm around his Mother and she cried into his shoulder soaking his shirt with her tears.

"Why did they have to take him!?" She cried.

James felt his own tears well up in his eyes but he blinked them away, "There's a war on Mum. They need more soldiers to fight."

"It's not fair!" James's Mother screamed.

"Mum, he'll be all right." James tried to reassure his Mother but dread gripped James by the shoulders and wouldn't let go.

James's Mother shook her head, "He'll die James, just like your Father."

"You don't know that!" James protested.

James's Mother didn't seem to hear him, "You have to leave James, you have to get to safety before they take you to your death."

"I'm not leaving you alone Mum." James said.

"You've got to go. Take the boat to Boston, get to the safety bunker. I can't watch you get stolen from me like your brother."

"Mum if you send me away then I might never see you again." James said.

"I know, but at least I'll know that you're safe away from the war."

"But I won't be safe Mum, there's dangers out there on the sea, you can't send me away, you need me." James tried to make his mother see that she couldn't do this but she only shook her head.

"No, you must go."

"Mum you just said you can't watch another one of your sons be stolen from you. If you make me leave it will be like the war is taking me away from you." James was desperate now but his mother wouldn't listen to him.

"Two days James, you'll be safe in two days" 

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