Chapter 30- Leo

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Leo twisted in his seat to try and get a better view of Thomas and Roy as they were pulled out of the court room. He stood up, anger flaring in him, "You have no right to do that! Let them go!"

Mica joined him in his turn against the judge, "You call that justice!? They were pleading guilty! What are you doing to them!?"

The judge met their gazes, "What needs to be done."

"You're going to kill them, aren't you?" Leo yelled. The judge didn't reply and Leo moved around to the front of the desk, "Aren't you!?"

"Leeroy, please don't let this interfere with our case." Mr. Walker said as he stood up and put his hand on Leo's shoulder.

"It's not interfering with my case!" Leo yelled, "It is my case!" He let his accent slip as he spat at the judge, "I'm from England, and those are my friends!"

The judge gazed at Leo in shock and Mr. Walker took a step back from Leo, "We had a chance Leo! We could have won! Now you've thrown everything we've worked for away!"

"I don't care!" Leo screamed. "Those are my friends and if they're going to die, then I'm going to go with them!"

Mica stood up, his eyes blazing with cold fire, "So am I!"

The judge was beginning to recover from his shock and as he was opening his mouth to condemn Leo's fate, two gunshots went off. Despair hit Leo so hard in the stomach that he swayed where he stood, "No." He ran for the court room doors and just as he was reaching them two more shots went off. Fear pulsed through him as he tore open the door to see Thomas and Roy sprinting away into the street.

Mica was at Leo's shoulder and the judge's booming voice echoed behind him, "Seize them!" Leo took his chance and grabbed Mica by the hand, dragging him outside.

The witnesses and jury members began to pour out of the court house and Leo knew that the rush of people made it harder for the policemen to get a clean shot at him and Mica. "Where are we going!?" Mica panted.

"Following Roy and Thomas!" Leo shouted back.

"Where'd they go?" Mica asked as the paused to try and find the road their friends went down.

Leo spun in a circle, the sound of police boots was getting nearer and he ran a hand through his hair, "I..." He was interrupted by the screech of a car alarm. Quicker than lightning Leo pulled Mica down a street and was just in time to see Roy and Thomas get into a car. The alarm stopped and the sound of an engine revving to life made Leo run faster. He nearly ran into the car as he reached for the door handle. He knocked on the window and his eyes met with Thomas's.

Roy looked over his shoulder and unlocked the car door. Leo and Mica slipped inside just as Roy pulled onto the street and bullets hit the back window. Leo ducked to avoid the blow and Mica threw himself sideways as glass broke. The car swerved and the tires squealed on the pavement. More bullets tried to reach them but Roy was gaining speed and soon they were out of range.

Roy glanced at Leo in the rearview mirror, "So, joining us are you? I hope you're ready for a bumpy ride."

Leo sat up, shaking glass from his hair, "They'll be after us. We're going to have to ditch this car."

"We're going back to Boston mate, once we're near the docks we'll get rid of it. I'll do my best to stay out of police view." Roy said.

"There's only so many backroads you can take." Thomas pointed out.

"I know, but being on a highway with a broken back windshield is not exactly the easiest way to avoid attention." Roy said as he swerved onto a side road, his eyes shifted to the rearview mirror and Leo caught a glimpse of blue lights flashing in the distance.

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