Chapter 2

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I run to the car and lock the door. The rain slams onto the car like bullets. My mind races as I try to think what this means for us.

My vision starts blur and my nose burns as I feel the tears coming. I push them back. This is a stupid thing to cry about. I don't cry.

But I do.

I watch as the first tear rolls from my cheek and hits the car seat. I close my eyes as more start to come.

I can see Juliet at our wedding. The memory comforts me, so I let my mind get lost in it:

"You look beautiful." I had said to her after the ceremony. Everyone was outside. Her face lit up and her eyes sparkled. Her white short-sleeved dress twirled and danced as she ran to the edge of the cliff looking over the forest and lake.

"Lets jump." She says and raises an eyebrow as she looks to her left at me. I had looked at her in complete aw, my mouth hanging open. She reached up to her hair and undid her braided crown and her hair fell down, now wavy. She looks at me.

"Trust me." She says and her words echo in my mind over and over again. She reaches my hand and together we jump off the cliff. I felt so free and I knew that nothing bad would ever happen. We wouldn't have to worry about anything ever again.

My heart leaps as we hit the water. Everything is simple there. When I look over I see Juliet's face: smiling even in water. She grabs my hand and pulls me to the surface. The sun shines down on my face and Juliet laughs.

"See! I told you everything would be ok." She says and once again the words echo through my head again and again like a broken record.


My mind wakes up and once again I hear the rain smash against the window and the engine of my car. I sigh. This isn't fair to Jules. We are adults and we can talk this through. I shut off the engine and hop out of the car. I walk up to the front door and notice all of the shades are closed. I grab the doorknob and turn it. It's locked. I grab my keys and unlock it. It still won't budge. I will have to get through a window. I walk alongside the house outside of the bathroom. I try to open it but it's locked too. I'll have to break it. I take off my jacket and wrap it around my hand. I slam my fist into the window. The glass shatters and I pray Jules couldn't hear it. Luckily, the crashing of rain and thunder shelter the sound. I pull myself through the window and stumble to the floor.

I carefully open the door and tiptoe out into the hallway. I peek into the living room and no sign of Juliet. However there's broken glass everywhere and blood.

"Oh no." I whisper and see broken photographs of us everywhere. I follow the blood trail through the living room, into the kitchen, and to the stairwell leading downstairs. I hear water running and a man's voice.

"You ready?" He says.

"For what?" Another voice speaks from the shadows. My heart pounds as I creep down the stairs.

"We're going after the bear." The first one says. I freeze confused.

"I know what you're feeling but-but killing that bear is wrong." I detect sadness in the voice.

"Wrong?! Our brother is DEAD and it's because of THAT monster!" I sigh with relief as I realize it's just Brother Bear. I continue down the stairs.

"I don't blame the BEAR, Kenai." The TV plays on and I listen trying not to imagine the worst.

"I see."

"Killing that bear won't make you a man."

"Oh NOW you're trying to be wise!?"

"I trying to follow my totem! Why can't you do the same?!"

"You really think love has anything to do with being a man?! A man wouldn't just sit here and do NOTHING." I stop once I hear the words. You really think love has anything to do with being man.

"Kenai! Don't upset the spirits."

"Spirits. Thanks do your wisdom." The talking stops and score music plays. I reach the bottom of the stairs. I peak out and I see blood on the carpet everywhere. Juliet is at the sink putting her hand under water.

"Jules." I say so she knows I'm there. She flips her head around, pauses the movie and backs up. I open my mouth to speak but I don't know what to say.

"Shawn, I'm not mad." She says quietly. "I'm disappointed, yes. But the more I think about it I know you didn't really mean it. You acted on impulse. But I'll also have you know that this baby isn't going anywhere. And if you really don't want a child then you should leave."

"Jules I am-" I start but notice something. "Jules, your hand!"

On her hand is a deep cut going all the way across her palm.

"I'm fine." She says and turns off the water. "I just cut it."

"Juliet, that's a really deep cut!" I panic. "We need to get you to the hospital!"

"Shawn, no!" She yells. "I'm fine. It's just a little blood."

"Just a little." I mock. "It's everywhere now let's go to the ER."

"Shawn, you know I hate needles!" She says and pulls back.

"What about the baby?" I say quietly. She sighs and we walk to the car together. Juliet keeps a towel wrapped around her hand, but the blood quickly seeps through.

We finally reach the ER and bring Juliet inside. Luckily, there's not a lot of people so we go in right away.

"You're going to need stitches." The doctor says after examining her hand that will not stop bleeding. "After you're hand is stitched up, I'm going to make sure that your blood pressure is normal."

"I'm pregnant." She says. "Does that make a difference?"

"Depends on how much blood you've lost." He says and gives her novacaine.

I take her good hand and once he's done stitching up her hand, he takes her blood pressure.

"You've lost a bit of blood, but not enough to put anyone at risk. You're fine." The doctor says and wraps a thick bandage around her hand.

Once we've checked out, we hop in the car and have a silent ride home.

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