Chapter 4

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"Hello?" I answer the phone.

"Hey babe." I hear Shawn's voice over the speaker. "The office is really busy today and I'm doing everything I can, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to make it to the ultrasound."

"Oh." I say, a little disappointed. I look down at my little bump.

"But I can always give the cases to Gus if you real-"

"No no no. That's fine, um, I'll see you tonight and I'll fill you in on everything!" I cut him off.

"Are you sure? I can come home early if-"

"Nope. That's fine. It's not really fair to Gus to leave him all of your caseloads now, is it? Have a great day. I love you." I say and eye the clock.

"Love you too. I'll be thinking of you and peanut all day! Oh, and the car's in the shop. Remember when you got mad because the car wouldn't start and you kicked the engine and broke it? Well I put it in the shop and I'll be walking home today." He exclaims and I smile while hanging up the phone.

My appointment is in an hour so I quickly get ready and hop in the car.

I drive to the clinic and wait for my name to be called.


"Alright! Good to see again, Mrs. Spencer." My doctor, Dr. Nanson squeezes the cold gel onto my stomach.

"If you look up at the screen, right there is your little baby. It looks perfectly healthy at this point... Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" Dr. Nanson asks.

I consider it and decide that I should so I can tell Shawn tonight.

"Alright. It's a girl!" The doctor exclaims. A smile spreads across my face. As I look at the little humanbeing up on the screen.


When I get home I happily put dinner in the oven and feel the urge to go down to the station to practice shooting targets.

But I know I can't. It wouldn't be healthy for the baby, plus I'm on maternity leave.

I just miss being a cop.


Dinner is ready and I set the table.

When the clock hits 6:30 P.M. I begin to worry. Shawn's usually home at 6. He did say he had a big caseload today, so I try to just forget it.

At 7:00 I tensely pick up a random movie and put in it the player, but forget to actually click play.

At 8:00 I decide to call him on his cellphone.

No answer.

I then call Gus.

"Hello?" His voice answers over the phone.

"Gus, is Shawn at the Psych office?" I ask quickly.

"No... He went home at 6:30. I'm at home. Why? Isn't he home yet?" He asks.

Shawn's not home.

Gus is home.

Suddenly our home phone rings.



"Gus, I'll call you back..." I say, my voice trailing off. The cellphone slips out of my hand and shatters into a million pieces all over.

I slowly approach the phone.



I pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I say hesitantly into the phone.

"Is this the residence of Juliet Spencer?" A deep woman's voice speaks over the phone.

"This is her." I say slowly. I wipe my sweaty palms on my pants.

"Mrs. Spencer, I am a cop and... there's been a car accident." She says steady and evenly. "Your husband, Shawn Spencer, was involved, you'll need to right away."

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