Hans died?

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Hans POV

I was in a room, it looked like the infirmary, I got off the bed and saw my body on the table, what?! was I dead? did I die? I ran to the room I blacked out in, Elsa was on her knees crying on the floor. "Please not let him be dead, please keep him safe? Im so sorry, Is this my punishment for almost killing my sister twice and Getting mad at her for taking my daughter? He's the only person I love besides Anna In my life who hasn't died. Please? I love him so much and I hope you keep him safe. In your name we prey, Amen." She preyed, I put my hand on her shoulder. "It's ok, Elsa." I whispered, she cried even more. "I wish I could talk to him one more time.." Elsa thought out loud. "You can! I'm still here! at least I think I am.." I screamed, she acted as if she didn't hear me. "Elsa?" "My life is falling apart, first my parents, then Anna, then Rosa, and now Hans? Why?" She sobbed, I hugged her tight, she shivered. I kissed her forehead and went to Anna and Kristoph. "Kristoph? what if Elsa commits suicide? She's been really depressed a lot lately." Anna asked him, I gasped. "If Hans makes it, she'll be happy again. She'll be the joyful queen she's supposed to be." He replied while hugging Anna. Was Elsa depression my choice? If I chose to die then would Elsa die as well? and if I made it then would Elsa not kill herself? I went back to Elsa, I gasped at the sight, she was holding a knife to her wrist. "Now we can be together.." She thought out loud, I had to think fast. I ran to Anna's room and went to her desk in which she was sitting in, I wrote about Elsa on the notepad. "Check on Elsa? when is this from? I don't remember writing this.." Anna thought out loud, Kristoph came over. I pulled that note off and wrote it again. "I think we should check on Elsa.." Kristoph told her, I wrote, no duh, now quickly! her life depends on it! That made them run. I ran to Elsa's room, she cut herself once on the wrist, Anna and Kristoph came in. "Elsa!" Anna yelled as she ran towards Elsa and took the knife out if her hand. "Why? why would you cut yourself?" Anna asked, Elsa looked guilty. "I wanted to be with Hans, I can't live another day with out him, I love him, Anna." She told her, I smiled. "Elsa, he'll make it, don't worry." Anna comforted Elsa while smiling. I started to cry very loudly. "Do you hear crying?" Elsa asked, they could hear me? I cleared my through. "You can hear me?" I asked, they nodded, I jumped in pleasure. "Sorry if I spooked you with the notepads, I just didn't want Elsa getting hurt." I told Anna, She looked confused. "Who is this exactly?" Elsa asked, I smiled. "I'm Hans, and I love you too Elsa. " I responded to Elsa while smiling, she became shocked. "Wait, your, your a spirit? so you, died?" She asked while almost crying. I comforted her by hugging her, she shivered. "I didn't die, well, I don't know if I'm dead or not, I just woke up to see my body on a table in the infirmary." I explained, Elsa cried, I went to Anna's ear. "Did she just get her period?" I asked Anna, she laughed. "I think so.. hahahaha!" She told me, Elsa looked up at us with confused in her eyes. "He asked if you were on your period." Anna confessed, Kristoph started laughing, Elsa glared at a wall. "Over here, Elsa.." I told her, she glared at me, I smiled. Then I woke up for real on the hospital bed in a sweat. The doctors surrounded me, I smiled. "Is Hans..?" Elsa asked as she walked in, but the she realized I woke up. "Hans!" She yelled in happiness, I smiled. "Elsa!" I yelled weakly, I tried getting up to walk to her but failed. "Woah woah woah, You have to stay here for a few more days, Prince Hans." The doctor told me, I pulled Elsa into my arms and kissed her, she didn't hesitate to kiss back, I checked her wrist, There was one cut. "So it wasn't in my head.. You actually cut yourself.." I told her, she pulled her sleeve down so no one would see the cut. "What will we do about Rosa?" I asked Elsa, she frowned. "Try to find her.." Elsa responded, I nodded. "Ah.." I winced in pain, Elsa lifted me shirt. "A fire burn and ice burn.." She thought out loud, I nodded. I held my sides. "I'm so sorry, Hans.. I still very confused why you jumped in front of the fire and ice.." She told me, I looked down. "I felt that I was the reason you and Anna were fighting so I thought it was my responsibility to stop it." I explained to Elsa, she frowned. "It's not your fault.. I should've been more careful when I was fifteen.. then if I didn't give birth Anna wouldn't be mad at me.. Anyways, after you heal, we're finding Rosa."

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