Chapter 2 - caught
"What's the matter with her," whispered Katrina towards Yvainne, who was looking very smug but inconspicuously, only visible to one that was looking and payed attention, ie: me. "She's been giving this dazed look since the start of homeroom. Is there something I'm missing here?"
Yvainne waved her hand, "oh nothing, she just lost her ability to speak when she met the new guy. I think she's hyperventilating," she laughed. Then she turned and looked at me, almost mockingly, "I don't want to say 'I told you so', because that's mean and I'm not mean, but I told you so."
Okay, I'll clear this up. So maybe I was daydreaming and been staring at the wall for some time, and maybe I did find him hot with his messed up look, and maybe Yvainne was right, and I was some kind of spell but I'll never admit that. Not to Yvainne, most certainly.
She continued giving me that look and I scoffed, "there's no I told you so because nothing happened. I'm perfectly fine!"
"What is this I hear about Rae having interest in a guy? Or is it a girl?" Nate said, popping into our conversation. "Whatever it is, Carly, you should know we wouldn't judge you, no matter what."
Carly was a nickname that Nate gave me when we first met, because apparently Rae wasn't substantial enough and he resorted in naming me after the singer Carly Rae Jepsen. Talk about originality.
Blake Mason snorted. "It's about damn time. Not counting her boyfriend, the last time Rae was with a guy was Nate and no offense, Rae, but I don't see why you would put up with him. That guy's hideous, and not to mention a complete sissy."
"Hey, I'm right here you nut," Nate retorted, glaring. "And the next time you talk about me, you better look in the mirror first. Have you met you, you're hideous!"
"Oh look who's talking. Ask them," Blake huffed and pointed at us, "Girls, tell that beast that I'm more good looking than he is. He needs to wrap his head around the hard truth now before it clouds his head with nonsense."
Rolling my eyes, "sorry dude, don't drag me into this. But if you really need my opinion, both of you are equally as ugly." Yvainne and Kathy agreed with me.
The fact that Yvainne actually agreed surprised me. Remember when I said that she was obsessed with the Wattpad characters, Blake and Ryder? Well, after she read that book she came to me and confessed that she had a thing for our friend Blake. They never did end up together, and in my opinion it was only an infatuation she forced herself to believe anyway, but I was glad she was over it.
And I had a hunch that it was because of a certain someone too. How does one person change someone's mind so quickly, I'll never know.
Nate jumped in protest. "You dated me!"
"And we broke up. So what."
Nate huffed and slumped down, crossing his arms and mumbling to himself, seeming displeased with the current situation.
"So who is it," Kathy burst. "The new guy, you said?" Yvainne nodded enthusiastically. "I never knew we have a transfer."
That made Yvainne's eyes pop out of their sockets. "Tell me you're joking," to which Kathy shook her head and Yv pretty much shook the life out of her when she grabbed her arm and stared into her eyes. "You didn't see him this morning? He was the one with the flashy bike in the parking lot."
"Nope," she said, popping the 'p'. "I came in really early today to hand in the assignment due like, a week ago."
"The buzz, the hallways, your eyes??"

Not So Different
Teen Fiction"I think it's funny how I'm technically calling myself when I say your name." *** After the lost of what Rae Henderson thought was her one true love, she began to lose herself in series of breakdowns and internal debates on her capabilities and flaw...