Chapter 12: she's broken but she's strong
"Where's Daniel?"
The question was posed by Nate, but it was one that all of them wanted an answer to. Just by looking at their faces, I knew that they have been dying to know for a while too. They all looked at me expectantly, like I would know where the heck he was.
Unsurprisingly, Daniel didn't sit with us at our table today. I knew why, but my friends didn't. I haven't informed them of our parting ways yet. With everything that happened the last few days, it just slipped my mind.
"He won't be sitting with us anymore," I said, avoiding eye contact with them, "not ever."
There were a million questions. "Why?" Kathy asked, speaking for all of them, "did something happen between you two?"
Sometimes, it was better to say it once and end it once and for all, so I did, albeit reluctantly. It hurt internally to say the words out loud still; even though it was done, there was still bits of my heart that belonged to him and the fact that he stomped on it hurt like hell.
"We broke up."
"What?!" they all yelled, gaining the attention from the tables beside us. I looked away. Nate even chipped in, "what happened to the talk we had the other day, I thought you two were going to last. Carly, we were all rooting for you."
"I wasn't, honestly," Yvainne admitted, pursing her lips. I didn't bother questioning her for the reason. Daniel and I were done, there was no going back.
I rolled my eyes at what Nate said. "Turns out he wasn't the one after all." It must be hard for him, to pick sides between two of his close friends. I almost felt bad for him, and I'd understand if he supported Daniel. He knew him longer, and would thus understand.
"What happened?" Blake questioned, "we know you were going through a rough patch with him but it didn't look that serious. You guys always end up together again, it's quite disgusting, really."
"We just-" I didn't want to tell them the real reason why we broke up. I know he broke my heart but that didn't mean I have to drag his name down. They could still see him as the guy that shaped me into who I am today. "We didn't feel the spark anymore, and broke up mutually. No hard feelings.
That much was true: he cheated, what's more is there to say. When I think about it, my heart still clenches and breaks all over again, but no hard feelings. Shit happens sometimes, and we can't always do anything about it.
Blake scoffed. "If we get a dollar for every guy you broke up with mutually."
Kathy smacked him on the head and glared at him. "You'd get two dollars. Shut up."
"We just weren't right," I said, smiling a wistful sad smile. "Maybe if we were together at a different time, things would've been different. There are just some things that happened and I couldn't look pass it," I looked away. "Daniel's a nice guy but he wasn't right for me."
It may sound like a different tune to my friends, but every word rang deep to me. Maybe if...
There's so much to say.
We were going so well, and I would even say that we have never been happier. But just at the moment that things peaked to a point, the bubble burst and it all comes crashing, destroying all that we have built – the trust, honesty, respect, loyalty and love. Nothing could improve for a long time, that was what being with Daniel has taught me. There will always be an end to a good thing.

Not So Different
Teen Fiction"I think it's funny how I'm technically calling myself when I say your name." *** After the lost of what Rae Henderson thought was her one true love, she began to lose herself in series of breakdowns and internal debates on her capabilities and flaw...