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Before we start, this book is inspired from endless possibilities for Jaune Arc by JC corn. So I decided to make one but with male reader insert. Also thanks to @ClydeTheChildish for inspiring me to make my own version :)

All the franchise that I'm going to put in here is owned by it's respective owners and RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum.

Respective franchise is owned by their respective owners.

No one POV

???: OW! What the heck happened!?

The two teams, team RWBY and JNPR were seen landed in a large pile of each other. They were doing their things and they suddenly appeared on this plain land.

Nora: I don't know! *pushes Blake her off* Me and Ren were on our way to get pancakes and then poof! Blake's butt is in my face.

Yang: *looks around* Umm guys? Something's wrong?

The teams look around as they saw a huge couch with foods and snacks with a big TV in front of it.

Ruby: Why is there a big TV in here?

Weiss: But most importantly, where are we?

Blake: Guys, where's Y/N?

Now that she mentioned it, they realized that Y/N is not here. The last time they remember, they are currently hanging out with them before they arrived here.

Pyrrha: *worried* Where's Y/N!?

Jaune: Oh Oum I forgot to pay him 100 Lien after losing in the game.

???: Currently wondering what just happened to the rest of you. Also, welcome to my realm!

A new voice spoke to them as they all looked at the source of the voice to see a floating ball with glowing blue light in it's center.

Yang: Who are you!? How did we get here!?

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Yang: Who are you!? How did we get here!?

Yang tried to activate her weapons, but her shotgun gauntlets is on her dorm. Both teams doesn't have any weapons. They all left it at beacon.

???: Oh don't worry. I have no intention of harming all of you. You're weapons are at beacon. My name is-

Before he continues, he got hit by rocks as he got interrupted. Nora is seen throwing rocks to the floating ball.

???: OW! Stop! Where in the world did you get those rocks!?

Nora, finally thinks about it as she giggles sheepishly.

Nora: I don't know either.

???: Damn that freaking hurts you know!

Jaune: Why are we here?

The floating ball calms down as he shakes his pain away.

???: Before all that, does anyone know what is the multiverse theory?

Infinite Universe for Y/N L/NWhere stories live. Discover now