Y/N as Raiden (Metal Gear Rising Part 1)

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Author: I have returned onto this book to update! Now who's ready for RULES OF NATURE! I might take this into two parts due to how long it's gonna be, including the awesome fighting sequences of the game too. But here we are, enjoy!

No one POV

Back to where we are, both teams are seen chattering and gathering their new plates of meal as they were chatting about the next universe they are going to watch.

Ruby: All right guys! Which universe do you like!?

Weiss: I like the Crisis Core universe. I want to learn more about the "materias" that Oracle mentioned.

Yang: Simple! Crisis Core! Y/N is kicking ass on that universe!

Blake blushes slightly how built Y/N is in the crisis core universe. She secretly writing about a smut fantasy story about Y/N and herself.

Jaune: Sorry but I like the Devil may Cry universe. Because he's so COOL than the last universe.

Ren: Not to mention how calm he is during the fight. And he also seems enjoying it.

Nora: Yeah! Y/N as a demon kicking ass slayer!? SO COOL!

Pyrrha: I think I go for Devil May Cry universe this time.

Yang: *smirks* You only choose that because you were Y/N's boyfriend!

Pyrrha blushes madly as she covers her face in embarrassment. Yang laughs while the rest continues to grab their meals.

Meanwhile with Oracle, he is seen floating and searching for the universe they will watch next. He wants something full of awesomeness, at the same time goring action.

Oracle: Hmm. Let's see here.

Then he stumbled something, a universe where everyone wanted to have a part 2 game of it. Nora is gonna love this where a cyborg Y/N throws huge machines like it's normal Monday.

Oracle: Yes! I've found it!

Oracle grabs it and floats towards to the 2 teams in training. He is heard humming in a exciting way as the teams sat on the big couch.

Blake: You seem happy Oracle.

Oracle: YES! I am! Also I have a little warning for you all.

Pyrrha: What is it?

Oracle: This universe is gonna be a little dark. There will be mentioning of gore, the dark society and worse scenarios that you can imagine. And let's not forget WAR.

Everyone stopped what they doing. When they heard the word: WAR, it's not good for them. War is never fun.

Blake found the symbol of the universe that Oracle is holding as she asked Oracle.

Blake: Oracle, is that symbol representing a ninja of some sort?

Oracle: In a way yes, now before we do that, I'm gonna add more guests.

Before the team can speak up, Oracle uses his magic and reveals a door appear out of nowhere. Then the door opens as the teams know the 2 people that came out from the door. It certainly surprised them all.

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